The Anonymous Assignment Feedback service is designed to give teaching faculty and staff insight into the kinds of questions students often have about writing assignments, with the intention that this feedback can be used to make writing assignments clearer and more effective.

How it Works

Two experienced Writing Center consultants will independently and anonymously give you feedback—from their perspectives as consultants and students—on how students are likely to understand, respond to, and approach the assignment. To ensure consistent and valuable feedback on your assignments, our consultants use a detailed feedback form that was constructed by writing specialists with the Writing Excellence Initiative and modeled on those offered at peer and aspirant institutions. Reviewers will give feedback on areas related to:

  • the purpose and audience of the assignment
  • the process for successful completion
  • using outside sources
  • clarity of assessment/evaluation
  • visual design
  • assignment mechanics (such as clarity of due date, technical requirements, citation format, and submission directions)

If you’d like to submit an assignment, follow the step-by-step procedure below.

Step 1: Remove your name and other identifying info from the assignment (as well as the file name) you’ve chosen to submit for feedback. Save your assignment as a Word doc or PDF file.

Step 2:  Fill out the “Anonymous Writing Assignment Feedback” Sign-Up form here.

Step 3: Email to let us know you’ve submitted an assignment for review.

Step 4:  Upon receipt, the submissions will be assigned to two independent consultant reviewers. Your name will NOT be shared with reviewers, nor will the names of the reviewers be shared with you. Feedback will be emailed to you approximately two-four business days after the assignment is received.

Step 5: After reviewing your received feedback, please submit your updated assignment to with “UPDATED ASSIGNMENT” and the submission code in the subject field. Your submission will be used for reporting purposes, to help us to better understand how our services are being used, as well help us to analyze the impact that our feedback is making on assignments across campus.