New Writing Outcomes (WOs)

Faculty and staff in undergraduate and graduate majors, COR, and Student Life have written a total of 144 new Writing Outcomes:

  • 76 Writing in a Discipline or Profession WOs
  • 44 Writing-to-Learn WOs
  • 24 Writing as a Citizen WO

 Improved Assessment Activity on Campus

  • Cooperation between Director of Writing Across the University and Assistant Director for Assessment
  • Report alignment and submission
  • Consistent messaging
  • Anchor general assessment discussions in the work of the Center for Writing Excellence

Laboring to Strengthen Assessment Processes on Campus

  • Writing Outcomes incorporated into program assessment plans
  • Updated curriculum/outcome maps using framing language that emphasizes intentional development of intended learning outcomes
  • Better alignment of outcomes and measures
  • Reviews of assignments and tasks

Applying Principles of the Writing Excellence Initiative to Assessment

  • Report Rubric/Checklist
  • Faculty Development
  • Individual Consultation and Feedback

Snapshot of Culture of Writing on Our Campus

Of Units Submitting 2016-2017 Reports:

  • 73% assessed student writing
  • 43% assessed senior writing
  • 90% reported improvement in student  writing

Types of Senior Writing Assessed

  • Advocacy Projects
  • Analysis Papers
  • Annotated Bibliographies
  • Executive Briefs
  • Grants
  • Multimodal Projects
  • Op-Eds
  • Unit Plans
  • Poems
  • Proposals
  • Reflective Essays
  • Reports
  • Research Papers
  • Resumes