The Office of Institutional Research & Assessment conducts a regular cycle of national surveys as part of the university’s assessment program. These surveys provide information about our faculty, staff, and students’ attitudes, and perceptions of the Elon experience. If you are planning a survey with more than 300 prospective participants, please contact OIRA to coordinate and plan your institutional survey.

2024-2025 Survey Calendar

Updated: July 15, 2024


  • Elon Asks! New Student Survey
  • Sports Interest Survey
  • New Student Pulse Survey
  • Sustainability Master Plan
  • Campus Climate Survey for Students
  • First Year Seminar Assessment

Winter (January)

  • Student Opinions of the Residential Experience


  • Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership
  • National Survey of Student Engagement


None Scheduled

Additional Resources

Recurring Surveys
Survey Administration History
Survey Response Rates
National Surveys
National Survey of Student Engagement
Higher Education Research Institute Student Surveys
Higher Education Research Institute Faculty Survey
Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership
Interfaith Diversity Engagement and Attitudes Longitudinal Study