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  • Astin, A. W. (1991). Assessment for excellence: The philosophy and practice of assessment and evaluation in higher education. New York, NY: American Council on Education/Macmillan.
  • Astin, A. W., & antonio, a. l. (2012). Assessment for excellence: The philosophy and practice of assessment and evaluation in higher education (2nd ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Banta, T. W. (Ed.). (2004). Hallmarks of effective outcomes assessment. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Banta, T. W. (Ed.). (2011). A bird’s-eye view of assessment: Sections from editor’s notes. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Banta, T. W., Jones, E. A., & Black, K. E. (2009). Designing effective assessment: Principles and profiles of good practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Banta, T. W., & Palomba, C. A. (2015). Assessment essentials: Planning, implementing, and improving assessment in higher education (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Blaich, C. F., & Wise, K. S. (2010). Moving from assessment to institutional improvement. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2010, 67-78. doi: 10.1002/ir.373
  • Bresciani, M. J. (2006). Outcomes-based academic and co-curricular program review : a compilation of institutional good practices (1st ed.). Sterling, Va.: Stylus.
  • Bresciani, M. J., Gardner, M. M., & Hickmott, J. (2009). Demonstrating student success: A practical guide to outcomes-based assessment of learning and development in student affairs. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
  • Bresciani, M. J., Zelna, C. L., & Anderson, J. A. (2004). Assessing student learning and development: A handbook for practitioners. Washington, DC: National Association of Student Personal Administrators.
  • Collins, K. M., & Roberts, D. M. (Eds.). (2012). Learning is not a sprint: Assessing and documenting student leader learning in cocurricular involvement. Washington, DC: NASPA _ Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.
  • Culp, M. M., & Dungy, G. J. (Eds.). (2012). Building a culture of evidence in student affairs: A guide for leaders and practitioners. Washington, DC: NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.
  • Driscoll, A., & Wood, S. (2007). Developing outcomes-based assessment for learner-centered education: A faculty introduction. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
  • Dunn, D. S., McCarthy, M. A., Baker, S. C., & Halonen, J. S. (2011). Using quality benchmarks for assessing and developing undergraduate programs. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Halpern, D. (Ed.). (1987). Student outcomes assessment: What institutions stand to gain (Vol. 59). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Jacobi, M., Astin, A., & Ayala Jr., F. (1987). College student outcomes assessment: A talent development perspective. College Station, TX: Association for the Study of Higher Education.
  • Middaugh, M. F. (2010). Planning and assessment in higher education: Demonstrating institutional effectiveness. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Schuh, J. H. (2009). Assessment methods for student affairs (1st ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass,.
  • Stevens, D. D., & Levi, A. J. (2013). Introduction to Rubrics: An assessment tool to save grading time, convey effective feedback, and promote student learning (Second Edition ed.). Sterling, VA: Stylus.
  • Suskie, L. (2015). Five dimensions of quality: A common sense guide to accreditation and accountability. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Taggert, G. L. (1998). Rubrics: A handbook for construction and use. Lancaster, PA: Technomic Publishing.
  • Upcraft, M. L., & Schuh, J. H. (1996). Assessment in student affairs: A guide for practitioners. San Franciso, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Upcraft, M. L., & Schuh, J. H. (2002). Assessment vs. research: Why we should care about the difference. About Campus, 7(1), 16-20.
  • Walvoord, B. E. (2014). Assessing and improving student writing in college: A guide for institutions, general education, departments, and classrooms. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Walvoord, B. E. (2010). Assessment clear and simple: A practical guide for institutions, departments, and general education (Second Edition ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Walvoord, B. E. F., & Anderson, V. J. (2010). Effective grading: A tool for learning and assessment in college (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass,.