Participation History and Links to Recent Instrument Versions

The Freshman Survey

Survey Link

Administration History: Annually 1997 – 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022

Next Administration: 2025

Your First College Year

Survey Link

Administration History: Annually 2005 – 2013, 2017, 2023

Next Administration: 2026

College Senior Survey

Survey Link

Administration History: 2011, 2012, 2017, 2023

Next Administration: 2026

Diverse Learning Environments

Survey Link

Administration History: 2018, 2021

Next Administration: 2024

Constructs Available

HERI has designed their surveys for multiple uses. The following constructs have been developed by the research teams at the institute for use in the indicated survey questionnaires.

Habits of Mind a unified measure of the behaviors and traits associated with academic success. seen as the foundation for lifelong learning x x x x
Academic Self-Concept a unified measure of students’ beliefs about their abilities and confidence in academic environments x x x x
Social Self-Concept a unified measure of students’ beliefs about their abilities and confidence in social situations x x x
Pluralistic Orientation measures skills and dispositions appropriate for living and working in a diverse society x x x x
Social Agency measures the extent to which students value political and social involvement as a personal goal x x x x
Civic Engagement measures the extent to which students are involved in civic, electoral, and political activities x
College Reputation Orientation measures the degree to which students value academic reputation and future career potential as a reason for choosing this college x
Likelihood of College Involvement a unified measure of students’ expectation about their involvement in college life generally x
Science Self-Efficacy a measure of students’ confidence in their ability to conduct scientific research x x x
Science Identity measures the extent to which students conceive of themselves as scientists x x x
Academic Adjustment measures the ease with which students adjust to the academic demands of college x
Academic Disengagement measures the extent to which students engage in behaviors that are inconsistent with academic success x x
Faculty Interaction: Contact and Communication measures the amount and type of contact students have with faculty that is appropriate for the first year of college, as well as satisfaction x
Faculty Interaction: Mentorship measures the extent to which students and faculty have mentoring relationships that foster support and guidance with respect to both academic and personal domains x
Satisfaction with Coursework measures the extent to which students see their coursework as relevant, useful, and applicable to their academic success and future plans x x
Overall Satisfaction a unified measure of students’ satisfaction with the college experience x x
Sense of Belonging measures the extent to which students feel a sense of academic and social integration on campus x x x
Positive Cross-Racial Interaction a unified measure of students’ level of positive interaction with diverse peers x x
Negative Cross-Racial Interaction a unified measure of students’ level of negative interaction with diverse peers x x
Civic Awareness measures changes in students’ understanding of the issues facing their community, nation, and the world x x
Leadership a unified measure of students’ beliefs about their leadership development, leadership capacity, and their experiences as a leader x x
Civic Engagement measures the extent to which students are motivated and involved in civic, electoral, and political activities x x x
General Interpersonal Validation a unified measure of students’ view of faculty and staff’s attention to their development x
Academic Validation in the Classroom measures the extent to which students’ views of faculty actions in class reflect concern for their academic success x
Institutional Commitment to Diversity a measure of a student’s perception of the campus’ commitment to diversity x
Critical Consciousness and Action a unified measure of how often students critically examine and challenge their own and others’ biases x
Harassment measures the frequency that students experience threats of harassment x
Discrimination and Bias measures the frequency of students’ experiences with more subtle forms of discrimination x
Conversations Across Difference measures how often students have in-depth conversations with diverse peers x
Curriculum of Inclusion measures the number of courses a student has taken that include materials and pedagogy addressing diversity x
Co-curricular Diversity Activities a measure of student’s involvement with institutional programs focused on diversity issues x

HERI Student Survey Theme Reports

Themed reports are compilations of items relevant to a topic of interest to higher education. The following summarizes theme reports across HERI instruments.

College Choice Items illustrate the areas students may have considered in choosing to attend college in general, as well as a particular college x
Financing College Items relate to the financial issues associated with attending college x
Academic Disengagement items related to the extent to which students engage in behaviors that are inconsistent with academic success x
Academic Preparation Items illustrate the academic skills and experiences students bring to college x
Interaction with Teachers Items relate to the amount of time and types of interactions students have with their high school teachers x
Science Identity and Self-Efficacy Items illustrate the extent to which students identify with the community of scientists and feel confident in their science-related skills x
Written and Oral Communication Items illustrate students’ written and oral communication skills and how these skills compare to their peers x x x
Leadership Items address issues related to leadership, such as learning opportunities, and how students compare to their peers on leadership-related skills and abilities x
Civic Engagement: Participation, Awareness, and Values Items relate to the levels of engagement and satisfaction with community and volunteer work in high school, as well as items that reflect future orientation towards volunteer and community service. x x x
Diversity Items relate to social attitudes and experiences with diversity. x x x
Health and Wellness Items gauge student behaviors, attitudes, and experiences related to health and wellness issues. YFCY/CSS also includes students’ use of and satisfaction with related campus services x x x
Spirituality/Religiosity Items relate to religious and spiritual practices and beliefs x x x
Career Planning Items relate to career plans and preparation for future careers. YFCY/CSS also includes students’ use of and satisfaction with career services on campus x x x
Transition to College Illustrates the non-academic issues students may encounter in making the transition to college x
Academic Outcomes Illustrates the changes to academic skills and abilities during college and how students’ academic skills compare to their peers x x x
Interaction with Faculty Relates to the amount of time students spend with faculty and students’ perceptions of faculty support x x x
Academic Enhancement Experiences Gauge participation in programs and initiatives on campus which relate to student learning x x x
Active and Collaborative Learning Illustrates the extent to which students are furthering their knowledge of course material through interaction with faculty and other students x x x
Satisfaction with Academic Support and Courses Gauges use of and satisfaction with campus academic support structures and types of coursework typically required in general education x x
Satisfaction with Services and Community Gauges use of and satisfaction with campus services and the general campus community x x
Navigational Action Relates to students’ capacity to find and utilize academic and social support services (YFCY)

illustrates how often students participate in institutional programs or how often students engage in activities that would help them successfully traverse the institution (DLE)

x x
VSA College Portrait Voluntary System of Accountability for Graduating Seniors x
Student Enrollment Mobility illustrates whether or not a student has engaged in or considered enrollment at another institution x
Push/Pull Influences demonstrates the external factors that positively or negatively influence students’ college experience x
Satisfaction with Diversity and Community gauges perception and satisfaction with diversity and community on campus x