Strategic Plan Survey




The Strategic Planning Committee needs your input to envision the future of Elon and the University’s next strategic plan. Please take 10 minutes to share your thoughts, help us to better understand Elon today, and imagine Elon in 2030 and beyond. We want to hear the ideas of all members of the Elon community as we begin developing priorities and themes for the next strategic plan.

At the end of the survey, you have the option of offering additional critical questions and specific ideas for what the strategic planning committee should consider as part of the next strategic plan.

The survey is confidential, voluntary and does not collect identifiable information. However, text comments will be shared verbatim with members of the Strategic Planning Committee. The link sent by email is not connected to survey answers. Those with questions about survey privacy can contact Jason Husser at

If you are student, employee, parent or alumni, you should receive a direct email with a link to take the survey. For data quality assurance, please use the link in your email. If you did not receive an email, you can access the survey at the following link:

Thank you for your continued engagement,

Kerrii Anderson ’79
Board of Trustees member
Co-Chair Strategic Planning Committee

Jeff Stein
Associate Vice President, Chief of Staff
Co-Chair Strategic Planning Committee