I. Administrative Changes and Academic Reorganization

  1. Coordinate with senior staff in the search for new Provost/VPAA.
  2. Conduct successful searches for the following:
    1. Dean, School of Education
    2. Dean, International Programs
    3. Dean, Cultural Program
  3. Plan for academic reorganization of programs in the School of Education.

II. Academic Program Enhancements

  1. Hold campus-wide discussion about recommendations of the LRP sub-committee on science initiatives and bring recommendations to the university strategic planning committee.
  2. Develop/implement new academic programs and strengthen existing ones.
    1. Prepare facilities, hire faculty, recruit first class for masters degree in Interactive Media
    2. Finalize proposal for major in Arts Administration
    3. Explore structure of Environmental Studies Program
    4. Explore structure of Program International Studies
    5. Investigate new structure for department of Business Administration
    6. Plan to implement summer stock program for summer 2009.
    7. Develop an interdisciplinary minor in entrepreneurship.
  3. Develop a plan that leads toward 100% of new students having a learning community experience.
  4. Plan and implement an Elon in New York program for summer 2009.
  5. Implement steps to strengthen study abroad program.
    1. Pilot 1-credit fall component of Winter Term courses for 3-4 classes
    2. Develop additional international service learning/internship opportunities
    3. Develop plan to distribute study abroad scholarship funds
  6. Continue development of the Elon University School of Law.
    1. Develop and implement program for successful bar exam passage — attain 75%+ passage rate
    2. Develop and implement successful placement plan for graduates
    3. Finalize the leadership program as a hallmark of the School of Law
    4. Recruit new class of 115 students with 154 LSAT
    5. Increase annual scholarship fund-raising revenue to $500,000
    6. Host successful ABA visit
    7. Prepare for full accreditation

III. Strengthen Academic Climate

  1. Continue Task Force on Scholarship initiatives.
    1. Develop recommendations for enhanced Office of Sponsored Programs, including an external assessment of the Office
    2. Work with FR&D to initiate the new reassigned times and the full-year sabbatical award
    3. Support the undergraduate research advisory board as it develops recommendations about further enhancing the undergraduate research experience
    4. Study and make recommendations concerning the appropriate administrative leadership structure to support and enhance scholarly and creative work
    5. Effectively communicate and administer new supports available to new and probationary faculty
    6. Charge Graduate Council to examine impact of the task force’s report on graduate programs and faculty
    7. Design a program to provide support for scholarly endeavors for staff with faculty rank.
  2. Develop a university-wide intellectual property policy.
  3. Develop and implement conflict of interest and misconduct in research policies.
  4. Assess impact of and recommend follow-up to the part-time initiative to work toward 15% part-time faculty.
  5. Work with departments, General Studies and Academic Advising to further develop Elon’s academic challenge initiatives.
  6. Evaluate results of online teaching evaluation and implement wider use in spring 2009.
  7. Work with the Academic Council to study and develop recommendations for a system of shared-governance that better reflects the new complexities of Elon University.
  8. Implement appropriate recommendations from the new Technology Plan.
  9. Work with Phi Beta Kappa site visit team to address all matters pertaining to the final steps of receiving a PBK chapter.
  10. Conduct a successful AACSB maintenance of Accreditation visit in February 2009.

IV. Expand/Enhance Co-curricular Programs for Students

  1. Offer 25 Student Transition courses in 2008-09.
  2. Implement Career Services initiatives including “Corporate Partners” program; “Beyond Elon;” and the Elon Career Network.
  3. Identify expected outcomes and assessment methods for ELRs.

V. Space and Facilities

  1. Plan for successful opening of Lindner Hall and the resulting changes in program facilities in Alamance, Powell Building, McMichael, Duke, Financial Planning, and Powell House.
  2. Develop alternative plans for storage of library materials.
  3. Plan for use of Koury Center space to be released by athletics.
  4. Address faculty office space needs for 2009-10 and 2010-11.