The following is a list of articles and book chapters published by Elon University faculty during the 2022-2023 academic year.

Sophie Adamson
Associate Professor of French 

Adamson, S. (December 2023). Seriously Funny: Stand-up Comedy Clips for Diverse Voices in French. The French Review, 97(2): 53-64.

Adamson, S. (December 2023). Stand-upper Shirley Souagnon Speaks Out: A Diverse Voice for the L2 classroom. The French Review: Dossier Pédagogique, 97(2).

Meredith Allison
Professor of Psychology 

Allison, M. & Kollar, C. (2023). Alibi Believability: Corroborator Certainty, Cooperativeness, and Relationship with the Defendant. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 20(3), 228-242.

Allison, M. & Hawes, A. (2023). Assessing Alibi Believability: The Alibi Story, Presence of Physical Evidence, and Timing of Disclosure. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 30(2), 211-223.

Amy L. Allocco
Professor of Religious Studies 

Allocco, A.L. (2023). Wonder in the Cremation Ground: The Affective and Transformative Dimensions of an Urban Tamil Hindu Festival. In Wonder in South Asia: Politics, Aesthetics, Ethics, edited by Tulasi Srinivas. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 167-195.

Allocco, A.L., Cruz L., Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Hall, E.L., Patch, K., Hamel, J., & McLaughlin, J. (2023). Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts (MUR-GC): An Integrated Model. New Directions for Teaching and Learning 75: 29-39.

Allocco, A.L., Vandermaas-Peeler, M., & Moore, J.L. (2023). A Constellation Model for Mentoring Undergraduates During COVID-19. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 11 (March).

Janna Q. Anderson
Professor of Journalism 

Anderson, J.Q., Rainie, L. (21 June 2023). As AI Spreads, Experts Predict the Best and Worst Changes in Digital Life by 2035. Pew Internet and Technology Project of Pew Research Center.

Anderson, J.Q., Rainie, L. (24 February 2023). The Future of Human Agency: Experts Split as to How Much Control People will Retain over Essential Decision-making by 2035 as Digital Systems AI Spread. Pew Internet and Technology Project of Pew Research Center. 173 pages.

Bill Andrews
Professor of Physical Therapy Education 

Andrews, A.W., Bohannon, R.W. (2023). Improvements and Residual Limitations Experienced by Patients with Guillain-Barré Syndrome Undergoing Inpatient Rehabilitation. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 102, 541-544.

Andrews, A.W., Vallabhajosula, S., Bohannon, R.W., *Boise, S. (2023). Normal Walking Speed Stratified by Sex, Age, and Geographic Location: an Updated Meta-analysis. Journal of Physiotherapy, 69, 47-52.

Enrique Armijo
Professor of Law 

Armijo, E. (December 2023). Section 230 as Civil Rights Statute. University of Cincinnati Law Review, 301-334.

Armijo, E. (2023). It’s Not a Subsidy to Big Tech. Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Review, 441-456.

Stephanie Baker
Associate Professor of Public Health Studies

Griesemer, I., Birken, S.A., Rini, C., Maman, S., John, R., Thatcher, K., Dixon, C., Yongue, C., Baker, S., Bosire, C., Garikipati, A., Ryals, C.A., Lightfoot, A.F. (2023). Mechanisms to Enhance Racial Equity in Healthcare: Developing a Model to Facilitate Translation of the ACCURE Intervention. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health, 3, 100204.

Griesemer, I., Lightfoot, A.F., Eng., E., Bosire, C., Guerrab, F., Kotey, A., Alexander, K.M., Baker, S., Black, K.Z., Dixon, C., Ellis, K.R., Foley, K., Goettsch, C., Moore, A., Ryals, C.A., Smith, B., Yongue, C., Cykert, S., Robertson, L.B. (2023). Examining ACCURE’s Nurse Navigation Through an Antiracist Lens: Transparency and Accountability in Cancer Care. Health Promotion Practice, 24(3), 415-425.

Heather A. Barker
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics 

Barker, H. & Elrod, E. (2023). An Analysis of K-8 Pre-service Teachers as Data Storyteller. Proceedings of the International Association of Statistics Education (IASE). Toronto, Canada.

Julia Bleakney
Professor of English  

Bleakney, J, Hall S.M, Hixson-Bowles, K., Lee, S, & Singh-Corcoran, N, (2023). Timely, Relevant, Practical: A Study of Writing Center Summer Institute Alumni Perceptions of Value and Benefits. Writing Center Journal, Vol 41, No 3.

Alexander, K., Andersen, E., Bleakney, J., & Smith Daniel, J. (2023). “Faculty Writing Groups for Writing Center Professionals: Rethinking Scholarly Productivity.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, Vol 20, No 2, 1-11.

Bleakney, J. & Scharold, D. (2023). “Mentors as Consultants: A Study of the IWCA Mentor Match Program.” WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, Vol 47, No 3, 3-10.

Jordann L. Brandner
Assistant Professor of Psychology 

Ruder, A.M., Brase, G.L., Balboa, N.L., Brandner, J.L., & Basha, S.A.J. (2023). Perceptions of Income Inequality and Women’s Intrasexual Competition. Human Nature, 34, 605-620.

Vanessa Bravo
Professor, Strategic Communications 

Bush, L., & Bravo, V. (2023). Systematically Applying DEI Accreditation Standards to a Strategic Communications Curriculum. Special Issue on Leadership, Mentorship and DEI in the Post-Pandemic Public Relations Classroom. Journal of Public Relations Education, 8(4), 128-160.

Nicholas W. Bussberg
Assistant Professor of Statistics 

Kim, J., Bussberg, N.W., & Huang, C. (2023). Parameterized Covariance Modeling for Non-homogeneous and Non-stationary Spatio-temporal Random Processes on the Sphere. Joint Statistical Meetings Proceedings.

Lynda A. Butler-Storsved
Senior Lecturer of Education and Wellness 

Butler-Storsved, L., Kocher Brown, P., Gill, D., & Rhea, C. (2023). The Effect of an Intentional Functional Movement Warm-up on 9th Graders’ Movement Quality. The Physical Educator, 80(3), 295-310.

Ann J. Cahill
Professor of Philosophy 

Cahill, A.J., & Hamel, C., translated into Spanish by A. Ocampo-Guzmán. (2023). Philosophizing About/With the Voice: Deploying Theory to Deepen Practices Committed to Vocal Justice. Voice and Speech Review.

Cahill, A.J. (2023). MacKinnon, Title IX, and Sexual Harassment: An Intellectual History. Feminist Legal Studies.

Cahill, A.J. (2023). Aftermath’s Aftermath. Special issue of APA Studies on Feminism and Philosophy on Susan Brison’s Aftermath, 23(1), 3-7.

Cahill, A.J. (2023). Vital Forces, Selves, and Consent: Responding to a Philosophical Love Letter. Estudos Kantianos, 11(1), 141-150.

Clare Eileen Callahan
Assistant Professor of English 

Callahan, C. (2023). A Swamp in Name Only: Imagined Geography, Abandonment, and the Archive in W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Quest of the Silver Fleece. Novel, 56(3), 430-450

Rozana Carducci
Associate Professor of Education and Wellness 

Lake, D., Marshall, S., Carducci, R., & Thurnes, T. (2022). The Power and Place Collaborative: Participatory Strategies for Scaling. Contexts: The Systemic Design Journal, 1.

Jefferey P. Carpenter
Professor of Education and Wellness 

Carpenter, J.P., Morrison, S.A., Rosenberg, J.M., & Hawthorne, K.A. (2023). Using social media in pre-service teacher education: The case of a program-wide Twitter hashtag. Teaching and Teacher Education, 124, 104036.

Kerkhoff, S., Carpenter, J.P., Yang, Q., & Dong, Y. (2023). Part of Something Bigger: Critical, Digital, and Global Literacies in the Global Read Aloud. Literacy Research and Instruction. Advance online publication.

Trust, T., Carpenter, J.P., & Green, T. (2023). Understanding Teacher Learning About HyperDocs Through the Lens of Professional Learning Networks. Issues and Trends in Learning Technologies, 10(2), 3-39.

Carpenter, J.P., Shelton, C.C., & Schroeder, S.E. (2023). The Education Influencer: A New Player in the Educator Professional Landscape. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 55(5), 749-764.

Carpenter, J.P., Shelton, C.C., & Schroeder, S.E. (2023). Los Influencers Educativos: Nuevos Jugadores en el Panorama Profesional de los Educadores. In C. Marcelo García & P. Marcelo Martínez (Eds.), Redes Sociales y Formación del Profesorado, 41-64. Octaedro.

Cheng Chen
Assistant Professor of Communication Design 

Liao, M., Wang, J., Chen, C., & Sundar, S.S. (2023). Less Vigilant in the Mobile Era? A Comparison of Information Processing on Mobile Phones and Personal Computers. New Media & Society.

Chen, C., & Sundar, S.S. (2023). Is This AI Trained on Credible Data? The Effects of Labeling Quality and Performance Bias on User Trust. Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Hamburg, Germany.

Chen, C., Lee, S., & Sundar, S.S. (2023). Interpassivity Instead of Interactivity? The Uses and Gratifications of Automated Features. Behaviour & Information Technology.

Geoffrey Claussen
Professor of Religious Studies 

Claussen, G. (2023). Moses and the Kid, Judah and the Calf, and the Disavowal of Compassion: Reading Rabbinic Stories with The Question of the Animal and Religion. Journal of Scriptural Reasoning.

Claussen, G. (2023). Simhah Zissel Ziv. Jewish Virtue Ethics (SUNY Press).

Ellen F. Cline
Assistant Librarian in the Carol Grotnes Belk Library 

Cline, E., Chen, H., & Chiu, T.H. (2023). Metadata Implementation and Data Discoverability: A Survey on University Libraries’ Dataverse Portals. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(4).

Alexa N. Darby
Professor of Psychology 

Darby, A. (2023). Doctoral Students with LD and/or ADHD: Decision to Disclose and/or Request Accommodations. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 21(2), 195-210.

Darby, A., Willingham, L., & Cobb, T. (2023, January). Examining Community Partners’ Perspectives on Reciprocity and Co-education. Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education, 16, 167-182.

Jacqueline DeBrew
Associate Professor of Nursing 

DeBrew, J. (2023). Zoom Bible Studies and Patient Education: An Unexpected, Interdisciplinary Learning Opportunity for Nursing Students. Journal of Christian Nursing.

DeBrew, J. (2023). Looks can be Deceiving: An Innovative Way to Teach Nursing Students About Substance Use Disorder. Creative Nursing, 29(1).

DeBrew, J. & Lindsey, K. (2023). Innovations in Learning: The Professional Nursing Project. Nursing Education Perspectives.

Steve DeLoach
Professor of Economics 

Chen, G., DeLoach, S.B., & Islam, T.T. (2023). Precautionary Savings and Rural-to-urban Migration: Evidence from Chinese Hukou Status. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 31(4), 1215–1233.

Paula A. DiBiasio
Associate Professor of Physical Therapy Education 

DiBiasio, P.A., Vallabhajosula, S., Eigsti H.J. (2023). A Multisite Study of Intercultural Competencies in US physical Therapy Students. BMC Medical Education, 23:741.

Caroleen M. Dineen
Assistant Professor of Law  

Dineen, Caroleen M. (April 2023). Stemming the “Red Tide”: Legislative Approaches to Addressing the Contribution of Agricultural Nutrient Pollution to the Development and Consequences of Harmful Algal Blooms. Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, 24, 196-265 (Spring 2023).

Cassandra E. DiRienzo
Professor of Economics  

DiRienzo, C.E., & Das, J. (2023). Arms Risk: The Role of Female Political Representation. International Criminal Justice Review.

Kearns, M., & DiRienzo, C. (2023, October). Sexual Violence First Experienced as Childhood or Adolescent: The Effects on US Female Education and Occupation. In Forum for Social Economics (pp. 1-16). Routledge.

Kristen A. Doehler
Professor of Mathematics and Statistics 

Doehler, K., and Taylor, L. (2023). Empathy Through Data?: Student Exploration of Elements of Diversity through Projects in an Introductory Statistics Course. Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 1-22

Catherine R. Dunham
Professor of Law 

Dunham, C.R., Cabraser, E.J. (2023). Survey of federal class action law: A circuit-by-circuit analysis. The Federal Circuit, 369-389.

Brandon Essary
Associate Professor of World Languages and Cultures 

Brandon Essary, Filippo Fonio and Sylvie Martin-Mercier, Eds. Medieval Perspectives 44 (2023); Dantastic: Dantesque Images and Imaginaries in Popular Culture, Between “Medieval Dream” and Consumer Society.

Cynthia D. Fair
Professor of Public Health Studies 

Alger, S., Granowsky, E., Bryant, Y., Olivero, R. Fair, C. (2023). There’s Not Even a Rule Book. Motivations and Advice from Parents who Raise Internationally Adopted Children Living with HIV. Adoption Quarterly, 1-19.

Glover, F., Olivero, R., Fair, C. Perspectives on Health Care Transition Among U.S. Parents of Internationally Adopted Children Living with HIV: “I don’t Want to Transition to that Clinic… I’m Very Comfortable Where I Am.” (2023). Health Care Transition, 1-6.

Fair, C., Betz, C., Naranjo, D., Porter, J., Bailey, E., Korycinski, H., Ferris, M. (2023). Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Caregiver Outcomes for Healthcare Transition for Adolescents and Young Adults with Special Health Care Needs: A Qualitative Study. Child: Health, Care and Development, 1046-1053

Bingaman, A., Hamilton, A., Houpt, B., Olivero, R., Fair, C. (2023). “Nothing is Ever Going to Change if We Don’t Start Advocating for Our Child.”: Community-level Disclosure and Stigma Management Strategies Among Parents of Internationally Adopted Children Living with PHIV. Frontiers Public Health, 1-7.

Fair, C., Fraser, L., Zendt, M., Santana-Garces, Homans, J., Stek, A., Operskalski, E. (2023). “We are Not Different Than Others”: A Qualitative Study of the Lived Experience of Hispanic Adolescents and Young Adults Living with Perinatally-acquired HIV. International Journal of Environment and Public Health, 20, 1-9.

Erin E. Fitzgerald
Assistant Professor of Law 

Fitzgerald, E. (2 September 2023). Put the Juvenile Back in Juvenile Court. Villanova Law Review, Vol. 68, Issue 3, 367-404.

CJ E. Fleming
Associate Professor of Psychology 

Bhuptani, P.H., Fleming, C.E., & Orchowski, L.M. (2023). Timing of Adolescent Sexual Assault Disclosure: A Study of College Women. Violence Against Women, 29(12-13).

Judith M. Folmar
Associate Professor of Human Service Studies 

Folmar, J., & Navarro, J. (2023). “I Feel Ya”: Preparing College Students for Empathy-based Community Engagement. International Society for Exploration of Teaching and Learning. New Orleans, LA, United States.

David E. Gammon
Professor of Biology 

Gammon D.E., Namaste N., Darby A., and Giovanello S. (2023). Undergraduate Perceptions of the Three Branches of the Arts & Sciences – an Empirical Study of Both Stated and Revealed Preferences. Journal of General Education, 70, 111-132.

Mathew H. Gendle
Professor of Psychology 

Gendle, M.H., & Tapler, A. (2023). International Undergraduates are not a Resource for Neocolonial Exploitation. Essays in Education, 29(1), Article 5.

Gendle, M.H., Senadeera, B., & Tapler, A. (2023). A Novel Instrument for the Community-centered Assessment of Ooutcomes Resulting from Visits by Foreign Student Groups. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 16(1), 1-9.

Raj A. Ghoshal
Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology 

Ghoshal, R. (2023). Teaching Civic Engagement through an Op-Ed Writing Assignment. Teaching Sociology, 51(2), 161-169.

Alys J. Giordano
Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy Education 

Paranthaman, P.K., Vallabhajosula, S., Giordano, A., Walton, S., Tuisa, O., & Bajaj, N. (2023). User Experience Analysis in Obstacle Clearance Tasks in Virtual and Mixed Reality Environments. In: Nagar, A.K., Singh Jat, D., Mishra, D.K., Joshi, A. (Eds.) Intelligent Sustainable Systems. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 579. Springer, Singapore.

Molly R. Green
Assistant Professor of Public Health Studies 

Green, M., Tariq, M., & Resnicow, K. (2023). Health Behaviors and Their Risk Factors Among Arab Americans. In Biopsychosocial Perspectives on Arab Americans: Culture, Development, and Health, 279-299. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Green, M.R., King, E.J., & Ajrouch, K.J. (2023). “I’m Arab American, I’m both”: A Qualitative Exploration of Discrimination, Ethnic Identity, and Mental Health Among Second-generation Arab Americans in an Ethnic Enclave. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health, 100380.

Andrew J. Haile        
Professor of Law 

Haile, A.J. (October 2023). Equity Implications of Paying College Athletes: A Title IX Analysis. 64 Boston College Law Review, 7, 1449-1506.

Eric Hall
Professor of Exercise Science

McCabe, E., DeSordi, S., Piepmeier, A., & Hall, E. (2023). An Exploratory Study on Student-Athlete Mental Health: Personal and Perceived Barriers to Help-Seeking Behavior. American Journal of Undergraduate Research, 20 (2), 1-11.

Cruz, L., Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Hall, E.E., Allocco, A.L., Patch, K., Hamel, J., & McLaughlin, J. (2023). Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts (MUR-GC): An Integrated Model. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 29 – 39.

Hall, E.E., Ketcham, C.J., & Walkington, H. (2023). Centering Mental Health and Wellbeing in Practices of Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Perspectives on Undergraduate Research Mentoring, 11 (1), 1-10.

Hall, E.E., Davis, P.A., Durand-Bush, N., & Salim, J. (2023). Editorial: Innovative Approaches to Foster Healthy Cultures and Mental health in Sport. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, 1209370.

Wright, S.A., Walker, L.F., & Hall, E.E. (2023). Effects of Workplace Stress, Perceived Stress, and Burnout on Collegiate Coach Mental Health. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, 974267.

Ibanez Roman, J.E., Ekholm, O., Algren, M.H., Koyanagi, A., Stewart-Brown, S., Hall, E.E., Stubbs, B., Koushede, V., Thygesen, L.C., & Santini, Z.I. (2023). Mental Wellbeing and Physical Activity Levels: A Prospective Cohort Study. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 24, 100498.

Buckley, T.A., Chandran, A, Mauntel, T.C., Kerr, Z.Y., Brown, D.W., Boltz, A.J, Herman, D.C., Hall, E.E., & Lynall, R.C. (2023). Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Injuries After Concussion in Collegiate Student-Athletes. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 51 (2), 511-519. doi:10.1177/03635465221125155

Thompson, M., Hall, E.E., & Nepocatych, S. (2023). Beta-hydroxybutyrate Ketone Salt Supplement Alters Energy Metabolism, Blood Glucose and Ketone Levels but Not Appetite or Energy Intake. Food & Nutrition Journal, 8, 257. DOI: 10.29011/2575-7091.100157.

Jennifer A. Hamel
Associate Professor of Biology 

Cruz L., Vandermaas-Peeler M., Hall E.E., Allocco A.L., Patch K., Hamel J.A., McLaughlin, J. (2023). Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts (MUR-GC): An Integrated Model. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2023, 29–39.

Blake F. Hament
Assistant Professor of Engineering 

Hament, B., Oh, P. (2023). High Pressure Hosing-Drone Dynamics & Controls. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 109(4).

Sirena Hargrove-Leak
Professor of Engineering 

Poff, M.R. & Hargrove-Leak, S. (27 April 2023). Solar-Powered Refrigerator on Wheels: An Engineering Design Challenge. Proceedings of the 2023 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), 90-95.

Narendranath, A.D., Thelander, Z., & Hargrove-Leak, S.C. (25 June 2023). Measuring and Visualizing Metadiscursive Markers in Student Writing. Proceedings of the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

Daniel M. Haygood
Professor of Strategic Communications 

Haygood, D.M., & Scott, G.W. (2023). Madame’s American adventures: U.S. news magazines’ coverage of Madame Chiang Kai-shek’s 1943, 1944-45, and 1948 visits to the United States. Media History, vol. 29, no. 4, 554-573.

Lynn R. Huber
Professor of Religious Studies 

Huber, L. (2023). Reading Enslavement in Revelation. Revelation and Material Culture in the Roman East: Essays in Honor of Steven J. Friesen. Edited by Nathan Leach, Daniel Charles Smith, and Tony Keddie. Routledge, 32-51.

Huber, L. “Introduction to Revelation.” HarperCollins Study Bible. Third edition. Edited by Steven L. McKenzie et al. Society of Biblical Literature.

Megan L. Isaac
Professor of English 

Lange, E.G. and Isaac, M.L. (February 2023). N.K. Jemisin’s The Fifth Season and Reading Orogeny Through (Dis)ability Theory. N.K. Jemisin and Kinship Studies, 115-133.

Anne-Marie R. Iselin
Associate Professor of Psychology 

Beliveau, L., Iselin, A.R., DeCoster, J., & Boyer, M. (2023). A Meta-analysis Relating Parental Psychological Control with Emotion Regulation in Youth. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-16.

Favini, A., Gerbino, M., Pastorelli, C., Di Giunta, L., Iselin, A.R., Lansford, J.E., Eisenberg, N., Uribe Tirado, L.M., Bacchini, D., Lunetti, C., Basili, E., Thartori, E., Cirimele, F., Fiasconaro, I., Remondi, C. (2023). Emotion-related Self-regulation Profiles in Early Adolescence: A Cross-national Study. Personality and Individual Differences, 213, 112298.

Di Giunta, L., Lunetti, C., Lansford, J.E., Eisenberg, N., Pastorelli, C., Bacchini, D., Tirado, L. M., Iselin, A.R., Basili, E., Gliozzo, G., Favini, A., Cirimele, F., & Remondi, C. (2023). Predictors and Outcomes Associated with the Growth Curves of Self-efficacy Beliefs in Regard to Anger and Sadness Regulation During Adolescence: A Longitudinal Cross-Cultural Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 14: 1010358.

Tamiz M. Tonmoy Islam
Associate Professor of Economics 

Islam, T.M. Tonmoy, Kotikula, A. (2023) Home-based Work Decisions among Bangladeshi Women. Asian Development Review Vol. 40, No. 1, March, 2023: 79-111.

Chen, G., Deloach, S., Islam, T.M. Tonmoy (2023) Precautionary Savings and Rural-to-Urban Migration: Evidence from Chinese Hukou Status. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change 31(4), 1215-1233.

Islam, T.M. Tonmoy, Mitra, S., (2023) Military Dictatorship and the Provision of Public Goods, Oxford Development Studies, 51:3, 307-321.

Ryan J. Johnson
Associate Professor of Philosophy 

Johnson, R., Hegel, Antigone, and the Lynching of Emmett Till, in Reading Continental Philosophy and the History of Thought, Eds. Christian Lotz and Antonio Calcagno, Lexington Books, 2023 (Invited).

Johnson, Ryan J. (2023). Hegel, Antigone, and the Lynching of Emmett Till. Reading Continental Philosophy and the History of Thought, Eds. Christian Lotz and Antonio Calcagno, Lexington Books, 103-132.

Katrina P. Jongman-Sereno
Assistant Professor of Psychology 

Jongman-Sereno, K.P., Hoyle, R.H., Davisson, E.K., & Park, J. (2023). Intellectual humility and responsiveness to public health recommendations. Personality and Individual Differences, 211.

Elena D. Kennedy
Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship 

Kennedy, E.D., Brannon, D., Powell, K., McMahon, S., Obedkova, A., & Henshaw, G. (2023) Beyond the tip of the iceberg: Measuring Efficacy of Entrepreneurship Education in Outcomes Beyond Start-ups. Global Journal of Business Pedagogy, 7:1: 144-163.

Kennedy, E.D, Horky, A.B., & Kaufmann E. (2023) Ties that Bind: Leveraging Horizontal and Vertical Ties Within an Entrepreneurial Community in Cross-promotional Social Media Marketing. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 25(2):310-327.

Baris Kesgin
Associate Professor of Political Science and Policy Studies

Kesgin, B. (2023). The Operational Codes of Pacific Island Countries’ Leaders: Beliefs about the World Amidst Climate Change. Foreign Policy Analysis 19(4).

Caroline J. Ketcham
Professor of Exercise Science 

Hall E.E., Ketcham C.J., Walkington H. (2023). Centering Mental Health and Wellbeing in Practices of Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Perspectives in Undergraduate Research Mentoring, 11.1, 1-10.

Kinzie J., Ketcham C.J., Weaver A.G., Moore, J.L. (2023) Introduction: Capstone Experiences in Undergraduate Education. In Ketcham C.J., Weaver A.G., Moore J.L. (Eds) (2023). Cultivating capstones: Designing high-quality culminating experiences for student learning. Stylus Publishing: Engaged Learning and Teaching Series.

Ketcham C.J., Weaver A.G., Moore J.L. (2023). Conclusion: Committing to Equitable, High-quality Capstone Experiences. In Ketcham C.J., Weaver A.G., Moore J.L. (Eds) (2023). Cultivating Capstones: Designing High-quality Culminating Experiences for Student Learning. Stylus Publishing: Engaged Learning and Teaching Series.

Adam Y. Kim
Assistant Professor of Psychology

Kim, A.Y., & Lee, R.M. (2023). People of Color are People of Action: Asian American Participation in Own-group and African American-oriented Collective Action. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 26(6), 1368-1388.

Kim, A.Y., Lee, R.M., & Zhou, X. (2023). Coalitional Identity and Collective Action: Korean Americans for Black Collective Action. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 14(3), 231-238.

Wexler, J.H., Cai, J., McKee, K.D., Blankenau, A., Lee, H., Kim, O., Kim, A.Y., & Lee, R.M. (2023). Understanding adoption as a reproductive justice issue. Psychology of Women Quarterly.

Wu, C.S., Kim, A.Y., Seaton, E.K., Carter, R., & Lee, R.M. (2023). Navigating Puberty, Identity, and Race Among Adopted Korean American adolescents. Child Development, 94, 768-778.

Hyunuk Kim
Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship

Kim, H., Proctor, C.R., Walker, D., & McCarthy, R.R. (2023). Understanding the Consumption of Antimicrobial Resistance Related Content on Social Media: Twitter Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e42363.

Young Do Kim
Associate Professor of Sport Management

Kim, Y.D., Yu, H.Y., Nam, C., & Dabbs, S.M. (2023). The Effectiveness of a College Athletic Department’s Pro-environmental Initiatives: Examining the Tri-component Attitude Model. Sustainability and Sport Science Journal, 53-72.

Sowjanya Kudva
Assistant Professor of Cinema and Television Arts

Kudva, S. (2023). Neoliberalism and Disclosure’s New Trans Activism: the Politics of Discrimination in Hollywood and How to Fight It. Journal of Film and Video, vol. 75 / no. 4, 4–19.

Ketevan Kupatadze
Senior Lecturer of World Languages and Cultures

Kupatadze, K., Woolmer, C., Godbold, N., Treanor, I., McCray, N., Felten, P., and Bovill. C. (2023). Using Scenarios to Explore the Complexity of Student-Faculty Partnership. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 11.

Danielle Lake
Associate Professor of Human Service Studies

Lake, D. & Whipps, J. (2023). Feminist Pragmatist Design: Evolutionary Systems Change. Design Issues 39 (4): 21-34.

McLaughlin, J., Lake, D., Chen, E., Guo, W., Knock, M., & Knotek S. (2023). Faculty Experiences and Motivation in Design Thinking Teaching and Learning. Frontiers in Education (8).

Lake, D. Guo, W., Chen, L, & McLaughlin, J. (2023). De-disciplining and Democratizing Design Thinking Pedagogies in Higher Education. Teaching & Learning Inquiry Journal.

Lake, D., Marshall, D.J., Carducci, R., & Thurnes, T. (2023). The Power and Place Collaborative: Participatory Strategies for Scaling. Contexts—The Systemic Design Journal, 1. https:/

Lake, D. Whipps, J., & Williams, S. (2023). Feminist Pragmatist Praxis. In Sami Pihlstrom (Ed.) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Pragmatism. (289-304). Bloomsbury Academic.

Leo M. Lambert
Professor of Education and Wellness

Lambert, L.M. (2023). Foreword. Stepping away: Returning to the Faculty After Senior Academic Leadership, xi-xvii.

Courtney K. Liu
Assistant Professor of Performing Arts

Liu, C. (2023). The Challenges & Possibilities of a Pedagogy of Flow as a Foil to Self-objectification in the Ballet Classroom. Journal of Dance Education, 223-233.

Alex Luchsinger
Assistant Professor of Journalism

Luchsinger, A. & O’Boyle, J. (2023). TV News and the Military: Exploring Media Frames of an American Institution. Electronic News.

Cara Lucia
Associate Professor, Sport Management

Lucia, C., Dabbs, S., Benjamin, M., & Cryan, M. (2023). Why Living in a Sport Management Learning Community Matters? Sports Innovation Journal, 62-73.

Harlen Makemson
Professor of Communication Design

Makemson, H. (2023). From Gibson Girl to Gibson Goddess: The World War I illustrations of Charles Dana Gibson in Life magazine. Journalism History vol. 49, no. 3, 181–200.

David J. Marshall
Associate Professor of History and Geography

Marshall, D.J. 2023. “Sacred Space/Contested place: Intergenerational and Interreligious Memories of Joseph’s Tomb.” Jerusalem Quarterly 95, 31-53.

Al-Qobbaj, A.A., Marshall, D.J., Abu Alsaud, L.M. 2023. Sacred Monuments and Stone Circles in Palestine: A Historical, Ethnographic, and Mythological Inquiry. Journal of Palestine Studies 22 (2), 229-253.

Kathryn Mansfield Matera
Professor of Chemistry

Allnutt, M.A., Mansfield Matera, K. (2023). Stabilization and Reduced Cytotoxicity of Amyloid Beta Aggregates in the Presence of Catechol Neurotransmitters. Neurochemical Research.

Rayan S. Mattfeld
Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Mattfeld, R. (2023). Improving Student Motivation Through an Alternative Grading System. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 39, 86-95.

Kevan Schoonover McClelland
Lecturer of Biology

McClelland, R.K.S., Weakley, A.S., & Poindexter, D.B. (2023). Seven New Species of Trichostema from the North American Coastal Plain Biodiversity Hotspot. Phytotaxa, Volume 603, issue 2, 95-149.

McClelland, R.K.S., & Weakley, A.S. (2023). Trichostema coeruleum, a new name for the species currently known as Trichostema brachiatum or Isanthus brachiatus, and its placement in a new section, Isanthus. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, volume 17, issue 1, 219-225.

Sean R. McMahon
Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship

Stevenson, R., McMahon, S.R., Ciuchta, M.P., & Letwin, C. (2023) More than Capital? Transaction Costs, Trade-offs, and Value for Small Businesses in Novel Funding Transactions. Journal of Small Business Management.

Dowin Kennedy, E., Brannon, D., Powell, K., McMahon, S.R., Obedkova Podlesney, A., & Henshaw, G. (2023). Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Measuring Efficacy of Entrepreneurship Education in Outcomes Beyond Start-ups. Global Journal of Business Pedagogy, 7(1). Pg. 144-163.

Letwin, C., Ciuchta, M. P., Stevenson, R., & McMahon, S. R. (2023). Being Coachable Can Pay Off for Founders – Up to a Point. Entrepreneurship & Innovation Exchange.

Jill M. McSweeney
Assistant Professor of Education and Wellness

McSweeney, J.M. & Schnurr, M. (2023). Can SoTL Generate High-quality Research While Maintaining its Commitment to Disciplinary Inclusivity? International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 17(1), 4.

McSweeney, J.M., & Moore, R.E. (2023). Understanding the Impact of a Pandemic on the Work of Educational Developers. International Journal for Academic Development, 1-14.

Brittany K. Mercado
Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship

Giordano, C. & Mercado, B.K. (2023). Cyberloafing at Work: Investigating the Importance and Implications of New and Known Predictors. Collabra: Psychology, 9(1): 57391.

Paul C. Miller
Professor of Exercise Science

Moore, J.L. & Miller, P.C. (2023). Igniting Mentoring Relationships with the FIRE2 toolkit. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 21-28.

Smaraki Mohanty
Assistant Professor of Marketing and International Business

Mohanty, S., Mookherjee, S., & Mukherjee, S. (2023). Affinity to Mnemonic Features of Social Media: Antecedent and Consequences. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 22(6), 1330-1347.

Kerem Morgul
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology

Morgul, K. 2023. Sending “Our Brothers” Back “Home”: Continuity and Change in President Erdoğan’s Discourse on Syrian Refugees. New Perspectives on Turkey, 69, 30-51.

Thibaut G. Morillon
Assistant Professor of Finance

Morillon, T.M., French, D.W., Kern, A.E., & Yore, A.S. (2023). The Impact of Exchange Listing on Corporate Governance: Evidence from Direct Listings. Financial Review Vol. 58(2), 197-234.

Morillon, T.M., Chacon, R.G., & Kothari, P. (2023). Economies of Scale in the Real Estate Mutual Fund Industry. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1-25.

Phillip M. Motley
Professor of Communication Design

Motley, P., Archer-Kuhn B., Dobbs-Oates, J., Hondzel, C., Eady, M., Seeley, J., & Tyrrell, R. (In Press). Defining Immersive Learning. Teaching & Learning Inquiry.

Christopher A. Nelson
Assistant Professor of Marketing and International Business

Bauer, C., Galvan, J., Hancock, T., Hunter, G., Nelson, C., Riley, J., & Tanner, E. (2023). Integration of Technology with the Sales-service Ecosystem: The Emergent Sales Echno-ecosystem. European Journal of Marketing.

Nelson, C., Walsh, M., & Cui, A., (2023), “Trust Repair After a Sales Manager Error,” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management.

Jane O’Boyle
Associate Professor of Strategic Communications

Luchsinger, A., & O’Boyle, J. (2023). TV News and the Military: Exploring Media Frames of an American Institution. Electronic News.

Amy A. Overman
Professor of Psychology

Steinkrauss, A.C., Carpenter, C.M., Tarkenton M.K., Overman, A.A., & Dennis, N.A. (2023). Neural Distinctiveness and Discriminability in Core Network Representations Support Associative Unitization. Aging Brain, 100097.

Ploran, E.J., Overman, A.A., Lee, J.T., Masnick, A.M., Weingartner, K.M., & Finuf, K.D. (2023). Learning to Learn: A Pilot Study on Explicit Strategy Instruction to Incoming College Students. Acta Psychologica, 103815.

Ricupero, S., Carpenter, C., Steinkrauss, A.C., Gerver, C.R., Chamberlain, J.D., Monkman, R.G., Overman, A.A., & Dennis, N.A. (2023). Neural Distinctiveness and Reinstatement of Hippocampal Representations Support Unitization for Associations. Brain Research, 148143.

Drew Peabody
Assistant Professor of Finance

Nishi, H. & Peabody, S.D. (2023). Under the spotlight: The peer standard in CSR and the role of public attention. Financial Review.

Will Pluer
Assistant Professor of Engineering

Macrae, M.L., J.M. Plach, R. Carlow, C. Little, H.P. Jarvie, K. McKague, W.T. Pluer, & P. Joosse. (2023). Trade-offs in Nutrient and Sediment Losses in Tile Drainage from No-till Versus Conventional Till Cropping Systems. J. Environ. Qual., 52(5). doi:10.1002/jeq2.20502.

Carlow, R., J.M. Plach, W.T. Pluer, W.V. Lam, M. Kompanizare, R. Brunke, K. McKague, H.P. Jarvie, & M.L. Macrae. (2023). Performance of simple low-cost edge-of-field filters for mitigating P losses in surface runoff from agricultural fields. Agri. Water Manag., 284(108362). doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2023.108362.

Poff, M.R., M.E. Cox, C.M. Wood, J.T. Abele & W.T. Pluer. (2023). Site-specific and generalized weir design for the Mississippi Delta. 2023 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS) (p243-246). doi:10.1109/SIEDS58326.2023.10137770.

George, M.K., A.D. Roveri, A.S. Weitz, A.N. Azan, C.T. Ogunmola, W.T. Pluer & M.W. Wittstein. (2023). No Space? No Problem. Accessible Balance Control Using VR player Movement. 2023 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS) (p1-5). doi:10.1109/SIEDS58326.2023.10137833.

Devin Anthony Proctor
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology

Proctor, D. (2023). The #Tradwife Persona and the Rise of Radicalized Domesticity. Persona Studies Journal, Volume 8, No. 2, 7-26.

Tony Reyes
Assistant Professor of Human Services Studies

Phillips, B.N., Tansey, T.N., Lee, D., Lee, B., Chen, X., Kesselmayer, R.F., Reyes, A., & Geslak, D.S. (2023). Autism Initiative in the Industrial Sector: A Case Study. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 12(1).

Lee. B., Rumrill, S., Reyes, A., & McDaniels, B. (2023). The Association Between Hope and Employment Among Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: A Hierarchical Logistic Regression Model. Work, 74(2). doi: 10.3233/WOR-211210.

Pamela L. Runestad
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology

Runestad, P. (2023). Feeding Mothers, Making Citizens: Japanese Maternity Clinic Meals as Treatment, Care, and Identity. Verge: Studies in Global Asias, Volume 9 (2), 157-185.

Hwayeon Ryu
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

Frank, A.J., Larripa, K., Ryu, H., & Roblitz, S. (2023). Macrophage Phenotype Transitions in a Stochastic Gene-regulatory Network Model, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 575, 111634.

Elisha C. Savchak-Trogdon
Associate Professor of Political Science and Policy Studies

Bowie, J., A. Masood, E.C. Savchak, S. W. Johnson, L. Oligino, and A. Webster. Forthcoming. A Bottom-up Approach to Lower Court Influence on the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, In Research Handbook of Judicial Politics, eds. M. Fix and M. Montgomery. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

Bowie, J., A. Masood, E.C. Savchak, N. Smith, B. Wieck, C. Abrams, and M. Melkote. Forthcoming. “Lower Court Influence on High Courts: Evidence from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.” Journal of Law and Courts.

Melissa H. Scales
Associate Professor of Physical Therapy Education

Scales M, Vallabhajosula S. (2023). Learning and Study Strategies of Students in the First Year of an Entry-level Physical Therapist Program. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 37(2), p. 132-137. DOI: 10.1097/JTE.0000000000000275.

Nancy C. Scherich
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

Scherich, N. & Verberne, Y. (2023) Finite Image Homomorphisms of the Braid Group and its Generalizations. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 65/2, 430-445.

Bar-Natan, D., Bar-Natan, I., Halacheva, I., & Scherich, N. Yarn Ball Knots and Faster Computations. (2023) Journal of Applied and Computational Topology.

Wendy B. Scott
Professor of Law

Scott, Wendy B. (2023) The Unfinished Business of School Desegregation: Race Conscious College Admission, William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal, Volume 32, p.1.

Brandon J. Sheridan
Associate Professor of Economics

Al-Bahrani, A., Patel, D., & Sheridan, B.J. (2023). 16. Teaching the Introductory Microeconomics Course with Social Media. Teaching Principles of Microeconomics, 230.

Aaron C. Sparks
Assistant Professor of Political Science and Policy Studies

Sparks, A.C., Cason, N., Arora, S. (2023). Show and Tell Advocacy: How Advocates Convince Policymakers by Showing Them the Work They Do. Frontiers in Political Science, 5.

Kuehl, C., Sparks, A.C., H. Hodges, E.R.A.N. Smith. (2023). Exploring Sustainability Literacy: Developing and Assessing a Bottom-Up Measure of What Students Know About Sustainability. Frontiers in Sustainability, 4, 54.

Lange, F., Berger, S., Byrka, K., Brügger, A., Henn, L., Sparks, A.C., … & Urban, J. (2023). Beyond Self-reports: A call for More Behavior in Environmental Psychology. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 101965.

Caroline S. Sprecher
Assistant Professor of Accounting

Dyer, T., Glaeser, S., Lang, M., Sprecher, C. (2023). The Effect of Patent Disclosure Quality on Innovation. Journal of Accounting and Economics.

Scott Spurlock
Associate Professor of Computer Science

Spurlock, S. (2023). Improving Student Motivation by Ungrading. In Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1, 631–637.

Jennifer T. Stephens
Assistant Professor of Education and Wellness

Stephens, J.T., & Pipe, L.M. (2023). Liberating the Learning Spirit. In L.M. Pipe & J.T. Stephens (Eds.), Ignite: A Justice-forward Approach to Decolonizing Higher Education Through Space, Place and Culture. Vernon Press, Wilmington, DE.

Stephens, J.T., & Pipe, L.M. (2023). Igniting Curiosity: How to Develop Lifelong Critical Consciousness. In Inclusive Education and Lifelong Learning. Infonomics Society, London, UK.

Amanda F.C. Sturgill
Associate Professor of Journalism

Sturgill, A. (2023). Web presence. In: Cohen, Y., & Soukup, P.A. (Eds.). (2023). The Handbook of Religion and Communication. John Wiley & Sons.

Johnathan T. Su
Assistant Professor of Engineering

Krause V., Hermes M., Wels J., Hanchar L, Su J.T., “Investigating the Stability of Organic Materials for Commercial Dyeing,” Proceedings of SIEDS 2023, Charlottesville VA.

Agyemang H., Riem S., DiRenzo S, Ring J, Su JT, Improved Food Waste Processing Through Water Removal in a University Dining Hall, Proceedings of SIEDS 2023, Charlottesville VA.

Krause, V., *Hanchar, L., Hermes, M., Wels J., & Su, J.T. (2023). Improving the Stability of Organic Materials for Commercial Garment Dyeing, Proceedings of the Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, 232-236.

Agyemang H., Riem S., DiRenzo S., Ring J., & Su, J.T. (2023). Improved Food Waste Processing Through Water Removal in a University Dining Hall, Proceedings of the Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, 253 – 256.

Sabrina L. Thurman
Associate Professor of Psychology

Thurman, S.L. & Miranda Tapia, O.R. (2023). Considerations for Designing and Implementing a First-generation College Student Peer Mentoring Program. Journal of First-generation Student Success. 3(2), 143-153.

Thurman, S.L. (2023). Applying Principles of Respectful Caregiving to Teaching in Higher Education. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. Advance online publication.

Thurman, S.L. & Vandermaas-Peeler, M. (2023). Adaptive Undergraduate Research Mentoring in a Constellation Model. Perspectives on Undergraduate Research Mentoring. Special issue on “Continuity of Undergraduate Research Mentoring During Times of Uncertainty”.

Rissa M. Trachman
Professor of Sociology and Anthropology

Locker, A.J., Valdez, Jr. F., Breecker D.O., Banner J.L., Loewy S.L., Luzzadder-Beach S., Drake S.M., Hyde D.M., Trachman R.M., & Lewis B.S. (2023). Ancient Maya Migration in the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area, NW Belize. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology Volume 49.

Alex Traugutt
Assistant Professor of Sport Management

Traugutt, A., Greenhalgh, G.P., Goebert, C., Broda, M.D., & Havard, C.T. (2023). Consumption Determinants in the National Hockey League: The Influence of Violence in the United States and Canada. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 23(1/2), 154-173.

Aaron D. Trocki
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

Trocki, A.D., & Hernandez, E. (2023). Mirrors and Windows to Analyze Waste Production: A Fifth-Grade Teacher Promotes Equitable Learning with Applying Fractions. The Centroid, 49/1, 3-10.

Ifeoma Udeh
Associate Professor of Accounting

Udeh, I. (2023). Cryptocurrency is Not Money: Forward via the Basics. Journal of Business Cases and Applications, Volume 40, 1-4.

Elizabeth R. Van Horn
Associate Professor of Nursing

Ruffin, F., Van Horn, E.R., Kennedy-Malone, L., & Letvak, S. (2023). Identifying Barriers and Facilitators to Seeking Care for Symptoms of Bacterial Sepsis: A Qualitative Study. Nursing Open, 10, 7323-7332.

Van Horn, E.R., & Lewallen, L.P. (2023). Clinical Evaluation of Competence in Nursing Education: What Do We Know? Nursing Education Perspectives, 44(6), 335-340.

Maureen O. Vandermaas-Peeler
Professor of Psychology

Vandermaas-Peeler, M. & Moore, J.L. (2023). Exploring faculty perceptions of the benefits and challenges of mentoring in a constellation model. International Journal of Academic Development, 1 – 15.

Cruz, L., Allocco, A.L., Hall, E.E., Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Hamel, J., & McLaughlin, J. (2023). Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts (MURGC): An Integrated Model. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, 175, 29-39.

Thurman, S.L. & Vandermaas-Peeler, M. (2023). Adaptive Undergraduate Research Mentoring in a Constellation Model. Perspectives on Undergraduate Mentoring, 11.1, 1-14.

Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Moore, J.L., & Allocco, A.L. (2023). A Constellation Model for Mentoring Undergraduates During COVID-19. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 11.

Elizabeth M. von Briesen
Assistant Professor of Computer Science

von Briesen, E. (2023). Do We Need to Write? Researching Perceptions of Disciplinary Writing Importance and Skills in an Advanced Computer Science Course. Journal of Computing Science in Colleges, vol. 39, no. 5. 119–128.

von Briesen, E., Garvin, M., Shaikh, S. (2022). Understanding Genocide Through Emotion Detection in Historic Documents. Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, Springer, 145-154.

Mark A. Weaver
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

Raymond, E.G., Weaver, M.A., & Shochet T. (2023). Effectiveness and Safety of Misoprostol-only for First-trimester Medication Abortion: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Contraception. 127:110132.

Raymond, E.G., Weaver, M.A., Shochet, T., Grant, M., Boyd, K., Koenig, L.R., & Upadhyay, U. (2023). Clinical Outcomes of Medication Abortion Using Misoprostol-only: A Retrospective Chart Review at an Abortion Provider Organization in the United States. Contraception. 126:110109.

Scott Windham
Associate Professor of World Languages and Cultures

Lange, K., & Windham, S. Recruitment and Retention Initiatives in a Small German Program. Language Program Vitality in the United States: From Surviving to Thriving in Higher Education. Springer, 2023.

Pamela D. Winfield
Professor of Religious Studies

Winfield, P.D. (2023). Zen and The Arts of Devotion: ‘Mind over Matter’ at the Cross Currents Journal 72/4, 394-404.

Winfield, P.D. (2023). Material Theories in Japanese Buddhism: What Kūkai and Dōgen Thought About Things. Routledge Handbook of Material Religion (ed. Jennifer Hughes, Pooyan Tamimi Arab, and S. Brent Plate). Routledge Press.

Marna K. Winter
Senior Lecturer of Education and Wellness

Winter, M.K, (2023). Foster Positive Mental Health: Tried and True Strategies. National Wellness Institute.

Qian Xu
Professor of Strategic Communications

Jiang, K., & Xu, Q., (2023). Analyzing the Dynamics of Social Media Texts Using Coherency Network Analysis: A Case Study of the Tweets with the Co-hashtags of #BlackLivesMatter and #StopAsianHate. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 8, 1239726.

Song, Y., Yu, N., & Xu, Q. (2023). Public discourse of GMOs in China: An investigation of commenting and reposting behaviors on social media. Emerging Media: Technology, Industry and Society, 1(1), 70-92.

Xie, T., Ge, Y, Xu, Q., Chen, S. (2023). Public Awareness and Sentiment Analysis of COVID-related Discussions uUing BERT-based Infoveillance. AI, 4(1), 333-347.

Jiang, K., Xu, Q., Afromsky, A. (2023). What Do Employers Expect for Jobs Requiring Media Analytics? A Semantic Network Analysis of Job Descriptions of In-person and Remote Positions During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 78(1), 5-24.

LaMont, L, Fuller, G., Paranthaman, P.K., Poteat, T., Toprani, D., Xu, Q., & Bajaj, N. (2023). Towards Prototyping Single-modal and Multimodal Interactions in Mixed Reality Games. Proceedings of Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 694, 655-666.

Xu, Q. (2023). User Interface Design. Multimedia Foundations: Core Concepts for Digital Design (3rd ed., pp. 409-451). New York: Routledge.

Rena C. Zito
Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology

Zito, R.C. (2023). Crime and Deviance in the Sociology Curriculum. The Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Sociology, 220-231.

Zito, R.C. (2023). Identifying Deviant Behavior. Sociology in Action, Third Edition.