Elon Graduate Student Commencement

Graduate student commencement happens twice a year in May and December. In addition to the graduation celebrations, Elon’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion celebrates Donning of the Kente, Lavendar Graduation and ¡Celebremos!.


Regalia for Donning of the Kente ceremony at Elon University

Donning of the Kente

Donning of the Kente is a traditional ceremony where graduating students receive stoles made of Kente cloth imported from West Africa. The Kente cloth’s intricate designs are a visual representation of the story, legacy and values of persons within the African Diaspora. The cloth also symbolizes and celebrates prestige in many African societies. Students have the opportunity to select someone to present them with their Kente cloth and acknowledge their accomplishments thus far.

regalia for lavender graduation, an Elon University graduation celebration for the LGBTQ+ community

Lavender Graduation

Lavender Graduation is an annual ceremony conducted on numerous campuses to honor LGBTQIA students who are graduating by acknowledging their achievements in college as well as their contributions to the university. The 1st Lavender Graduation Ceremony in the U.S. was created by Dr. Ronni Sanlo at the University of Michigan.  Over 100+ universities hold Lavender Graduation Ceremonies among the list of their university’s Commencement Ceremonies.

At Elon, any student about to graduate may be honored, including both undergraduate and graduate students.  Students receive a rainbow stole, lavender graduation cap, rainbow tassel (which can be worn at Elon’s Commencement), and a certificate.

a photo frame with a quote by Julia Alvarez that reads "Cada uno de nosotros tendrá que tomar las decisiones que nos permitan ser las versiones más grandes de nosotros mismos"


The Elon University ¡Celebremos!: Graduates Take Flight ceremony is an annual tradition to honor our impending Latinx/Hispanic students graduating with their bachelor’s and master’s degrees. ¡Celebremos! was created to honor the achievement of our graduates, and the contributions their families and friends have made during their education. This diverse and intimate bilingual ceremony is a celebration that builds community and a sense of familia for Elon students.


La ceremonia “¡Celebremos!: Graduates Take Flight” es una tradición anual para celebrar a nuestros estudiantes Latinos/Hispanos que se graduarán con su grado de bachillerato y maestría. ¡Celebremos! fue creado para honrar los logros de nuestros graduados y las contribuciones que sus familias y amigos han hecho durante su educación. Esta ceremonia bilingüe, íntima y diversa es una celebración de comunidad y del sentimiento de familia para los estudiantes de Elon.