Elon adopted a Elon Green Building Policy in 2009. New construction projects and major renovations consisting of 8,000 or more square feet of conditioned, occupied space will achieve LEED certification. LEED Silver is the strongly preferred level and in no case will such projects achieve less than LEED Certified. New projects less than 8,000 square feet and minor renovations must follow the University’s Sustainability Design Standards at a minimum. Prior to the policy, many of Elon’s buildings were designed and built with sustainable features, such as stormwater management, low-flow plumbing fixtures, energy efficient systems, materials with recycled content and low-emitting materials. These and other features are also found in Elon’s LEED buildings. There are currently 33 LEED certifications on campus: 6 LEED Platinum, 11 LEED Gold and 16 LEED Silver. Use the below list to learn more about each project.