Who is a maker?

You are! If you’ve ever created or built anything of value (to you or to someone else), you are a maker.

What is a Maker Mindset?

The community in the Maker Hub promotes a Maker Mindset, which includes taking ownership of your learning, developing your intrinsic motivation, and embracing failure as an essential component of your learning process.

What if I know nothing?

You mean, “What if I know nothing yet?” We have awesome student staff members (we call them Maker Hub Consultants), a bunch of books and resources, and even faculty and staff we can connect you with. If you want to learn something, you can.

What can I do there?

You can explore ideas, learn how things work, and make stuff. You can work on a course assignment, create something for a research project, make a gift for a friend or relative, create prototypes of a product you hope to sell, or meet up with some friends to play with LEGOs (seriously–we have a lot of LEGOs). All of these projects are welcome in the Maker Hub.


Check the Maker Hub hours here.

How much is it?

There’s no charge to use the Maker Hub for most projects. If you’re working on a big project or plan on selling your creation, you will be asked to supply your own materials. Check out the policies page for more details about materials.

What if I need something that isn’t in the Maker Hub?

Tell a Maker Hub Consultant or email makerhub@elon.edu. We will be adding equipment throughout the year. If something is requested by several people, we may purchase it for the Maker Hub.

In addition, the Maker Hub has partnerships with facilities on campus and in the community. We can work with you to facilitate access to these spaces. Check out the Locations page for more details.

Can I reserve the Maker Hub for my class?

Yes! A Maker Hub Orientation is a good way to introduce your students to making at Elon. Learn more about orientations here.

If you’d like to do something else, contact makerhub@elon.edu to start the conversation.

Instructors interested in incorporating the Maker Hub into a lesson should email makerhub@elon.edu to schedule a consult with a Teaching and Learning Technologies Instructional Technologist.

Can I reserve the Maker Hub for my student organization?

Yes, learn how we’ve previously worked with student groups on this webpage. And let us know more about your event idea by completing the request form.

Can community members use the Maker Hub?

Not generally. Invited community guests will be welcome during specific programs.

Have other questions? Email them to makerhub@elon.edu