The Office of Inclusive Excellence Education & Development (OIEED) manages the bias response process at Elon and focuses on supporting impacted individuals and educational engagement for those causing harm. OIEED is separate from the Office of Student Conduct, Title IX, Human Resources, and Academic Affairs processes, thus is not able to take disciplinary actions against those who enact bias, harassment, or violence.

Steps in the Bias Response Process

Step 1: Bias incident report is submitted

Additional Information

Initial report recipients are Director of Inclusive Excellence Education and Development, Vice President and Associate Provost of Inclusive Excellence, Director of Student Conduct and Director of HR Compliance, Equal Opportunity and Title IX; when applicable, Vice President of Student Life.

Step 2: Report is reviewed

  • The Office of Inclusive Excellence Education and Development (OIEED) leads the review process to determine the nature of the bias-related incident and potential immediate referral. More information about this process can be found on the Bias Response Decision Tree.

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  • If an incident violates Human Resources or Student Conduct policies, the incident will be addressed via Human Resources or student conduct.
  • If the respondent is faculty, staff or an administrator, the Director of Inclusive Excellence Education and Development consults with Human Resources to process per Elon University’s Harassment & Discrimination Policy and Procedures.
  • If the respondent is a student, the Director of Inclusive Excellence Education and Development consults with Student Conduct to process per Elon University’s Student Handbook (Social Policies).
  • The OIEED contacts the reporting party (unless reported anonymously).

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  • OIEED Administrator and reporting person/parties discuss options for addressing the biased behaviors, including OIEED’s Alternative Resolutions.

Step 3: Action planning

  • In collaboration with reporting parties, an action plan is developed including supportive measures and accountability strategies. View potential response examples below.

Step 4: Plan implementation

The response plan is implemented, focused on education, support and harm reduction or referrals to the appropriate campus partner(s).

Additional Information

Some resolution options may involve referral or engagement with other campus partners (including but are not limited to Student Conduct, Human Resources Compliance, Equal Opportunity and Title IX, Campus Safety & Police, Identity and Global Engagement Offices, Student Life, Academic Deans or Department Chairs, etc.).

Step 5: Outcome Follow-up

Assess the response outcome to provide appropriate supportive measures and education for harm reduction.

Online Reporting Notification

Once your online Bias Incident Reporting Form is submitted, you will be sent an email notification stating you will get a response within 36 hours. The report is then reviewed by the Office of Inclusive Excellence Education & Development (OIEED) staff to determine potential immediate referral and engagement with campus partners (including but are not limited to Student Conduct, Human Resources Compliance, Equal Opportunity and Title IX, Campus Safety & Police, Identity and Global Engagement Offices, Student Life, Academic Deans or Department Chairs, etc.)

Potential Response Examples

In collaboration with the impacted parties and campus partners, an action plan is created including supportive measures for affected parties and accountability strategies.

We take into consideration of the desired outcomes of harmed parties and university policies. The goal for our bias response process is to promote equities and reduce social disparities using these community processes:

Harm transformation: systems change(s) that involve the understanding of the perspective of the harmed parties, but does not always involve the person(s) harming and/ or the person(s) harmed.

Restorative practices: processes that involve harmed and harming parties aimed at repairing, healing, and creating healthier relationships, communities, and systems

Throughout our process our work may result in one or more of the following responses:

  • referrals to Student Conduct, Confidential Advocacy/Support, Human Resources, Campus Safety, or other campus/community resources.
  • Restorative conversations
  • Ongoing anti-bias education/resources

Accountability Measures

The Office of Inclusive Excellence Education & Development is separate from the Office of Student Conduct, Title IX, and Human Resources, thus is not able to take disciplinary actions against those who enact bias, harassment, or violence. The OIEED makes referrals to those offices when incidents violate student or employee misconduct policies. The OIEED is dedicated to providing comprehensive, restorative responses that will appropriately acknowledge the harm that is perpetrated in these instances and equip individuals with the support, resources, skills, and education to begin the healing process and prevent future harm.

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