2007 Burst the Bubble Programs

Winter Term 2007 was the initial year for Burst the Bubble programs at Elon University.

Burst the Bubble programs are free, student-led, non-credit sessions where students who have a talent, interest, or skill share their knowledge with their peers. Burst the Bubble programs are offered during Winter Term and are open to all students at Elon University.  Burst the Bubble programs do not include homework, tests, outside assignments or grades. There is no faculty or staff involvement in teaching the programs.

BTB 001: Bead Beautifully: Professional Jewelry Making for Beginners

Instructor: Rachel Bagley
Thursdays 11 am – 1 pm

Display your personal style and exercise your creativity by making your own jewelry. Handcrafting jewelry is a great way to accessorize a special outfit, create personalized gifts, and even make a profit.

BTB 002: SALSA: Study Abroad Latin Style and be Amazed

Instructor: Andrea DeLuca, Jessie Feudale, Clifton Johnson, Michelle Goshen
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00PM – 6:00PM

Go for it! Live in Latin America for a semester. We did! What is it really like? Learn what we discovered in Ecuador and Argentine. Come share out experience. We will discuss skills needed to survive in a host family, a big city, and a foreign language environment.

BTB 003: The M.A.B. Survival Guide: How to take Music Theory, and live to tell the tale…

Instructor: Eden Esters
Mondays and Wednesdays 5:30PM – 7:00PM And Fridays 12:00-1:00PM

Are you losing sleep over sight-singing? Does the phrase “ii-V-I” make you cringe? Are the music theory tutors your best friends? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then this is for you!
Taught by one of your own, this workshop will review the building blocks of music theory an aural skills from day one of MUS 11 through the end of sophomore year, and leave you with tactics for survival of the M.A.B.!!! A “MUST HAVE” for freshman and sophomore music majors/minors.

BTB 004: Can’t Tux This – Linux in a (nut) shell

Instructor: Christian Funkhouser
Mondays and Wednesdays 5:30PM – 6:30 PM 

Are you a Computer Science or Information Systems major? Do you like getting free software legally? Do the two horrible puns in the title of this workshop mean anything to you? If the answers to the questions above = yes, then you must take this workshop. We will cover many aspects of the GNU/Linux operating system, essentially replacing your dependency on closed and proprietary software almost entirely. Plus, it will help you a lot in upper-level CSC/CIS classes, and you will be able to amaze your friends!

BTB 005: Photo Workshop

Instructor: Alison Hatfield
Wednesdays 5:30PM – 7:00PM

Having a hard time keeping up with our digital world? Maybe, maybe not…maybe you just want to learn some fundamental Photoshop skills. This basic level Photoshop will give you some simple, but essential skills to digital enhancement. You will be able to use these skills to touch up photographs, or even create your own original pieces of art. Wow your friends with digital touch ups and other products of your own creativity. Before you know it, your friends will be coming to you to touch up and/or enhance their photographs.

BTB 006: Impress Without the Stress (Good Food Made Easy)

Instructors: Larissa Long
Thursdays 5:00PM – 7:00PM

Ever wish you could whip up a quick, healthy meal for yourself and others? Especially when you’ve been eating nothing but campus food for months? This workshop will provide you with good cooking skills and helpful hints in order to make yourself more comfortable in the kitchen.

In three classes you will learn how to make different meals, including salads, meats, pastas, and side dishes – even desserts! Learn how to keep your tummy happy and your friends impressed without having to dig through cookbooks or magazines. You will feel like Rachel Ray in no time.

BTB 007: Say You’ll Be Mime (Thinking Outside “The Box”)

Instructors: Carin Metzger
Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30PM – 8:30PM

Do you have the preconceived notion that mimes are just creepy street performers in weird makeup that harass you on the street? Have you ever wondered how much you communicate in your everyday life by simply using your body? Learn how mime can help you gain control of your body and some basics on how to create the illusion of an entire environment out of thin air!
Don’t just learn about the world outside the Elon Bubble: Create one!

BTB 008: Quark 101: Understanding Newspaper Layout

Instructor: Nathan Rode and Brittany Smith
Tuesdays 5:00PM – 6:00PM

This course will provide an introductory look at QuarkXPress. Students will learn the basics of creating and laying out a document that will be sent to print. This includes laying out text, pictures and graphics. Students would also get an opportunity to look at creative ways of presenting a document on paper.

BTB 009: Virtual Identity through Massively Multiplayer Online Games

Instructor: Thomas Spradling
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00PM – 6:30PM

What determines your identity inside a world where your only visual representation is a cartoon avatar? This workshop will explore the history, culture, and community of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games. Students will participate in this workshop by actually playing games of this genre, such as Ultima Online, Everquest, and World of Warcraft.

BTB 010: Clogging: Not “Hillbilly” Anymore

Instructor: Karena Thacker
Meets only on January 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th 6:00PM – 7:00PM

What is the first image that comes to your mind when you hear the word “clogging?” Is it hillbilly clicking his heels together? Someone stomping their feet to obsolete bluegrass music? While clogging may have started in the mountains, today it has spread all over the US and even the world. Come hear about clogging’s history and current status while learning the basic steps and choreographing your own performance piece. No previous experience or special shoes required. Just come out and make your body and feet move.

BTB 011: So You Think You can DJ?

Instructor: Ben Wright
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00PM – 6:30PM

The art of disc jockeying requires more than the owning of the equipment. With new software like iTunes, PCDJ, and others, everyone seems to think they can call themselves a DJ. This workshop will explore the fundamentals of the art of the disc jockey including: equipment overview, flow, mixing, performance, simple audio production, and end with a tutorial on scratching.

BTB 012: The Basics of Texas Hold’em Poker

Instructor: Chad Zimmermann
Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30PM – 8:00PM

Poker has made its way into the mainstream of today’s culture, being broadcast on national television and being played all over the world. This workshop will go over the basic skills and knowledge needed to be able to play the game of Poker. The last couple of days will be devoted to an end of workshop tournament, with “non-monetary college survival” prizes for the highest finishers.