2009 Burst the Bubble Programs

Burst the Bubble programs are free, student-led, non-credit sessions where students who have a talent, interest, or skill share their knowledge with their peers. Burst the Bubble programs are offered during Winter Term and are open to all students at Elon University. Burst the Bubble programs do not include homework, tests, outside assignments or grades. There is no faculty or staff involvement in teaching the programs.

BTB 001: Learn the Carolina Shag!

Instructor: Will James
Wednesdays and Fridays 7 – 8 pm

The Carolina Shag, South Carolina’s State dance, is a form of dance similar to west coast swing but with less swing and more footwork. I will teach the basic, the full turn, half turn, and the pretzel. Shagging is great to dance to just about anything and you will impress all your friends! For all that are interested, Youtube “Carolina Shag” to get a feel of what potential they could have!

BTB 002: Movie Marketing

Instructor: Colleen Callahan
Mondays and Wednesdays 6 – 7:30 pm

Ever wanted to know the process behind marketing a movie? Well here’s your chance to learn and even be a part of it. This class will focus on the planning behind developing mass appeal of a film. Then, the class will be divided into groups to develop a campaign for an upcoming 20th Century Fox movie.  Campaigns will be sent to studio executives in Hollywood, who will determine the best campaign and possibly use them in their own marketing planning. This class will serve as a great portfolio and resumé builder. Keep in mind it will be a commitment. While communications, business and digital art majors are preferred, all majors and classes are eligible.

BTB 003: Superhuman Behavior: A Study in Ethics or Superhuman Ethics

Instructor: Brenton Davis
Mondays and Wednesdays 5 – 6:30 pm

Through discussion of the actions of Superhumans and the ethical rationale behind those actions one may learn how to act ethically. Superhumans discussed will range between classics such as Superman, Batman and Spiderman, to more modern heroes such as the Punisher, Hyperion, and the Question. Course Materials will include reading and select scenes from visual media and will be conducted as a class discussion facilitated by a mediator (the Instructor).

BTB 004: Clogging: From Hillbilly to Hip Hop! (Beginner)

Instructor: Karena Thacker
Tuesdays and Thursdays 6 – 7 pm 

This class will focus on teaching the basic technique of clogging. Students will also be introduced to the history of clogging via mini-lectures, video sessions and a performance by a guest clogging team. The class will end with an informal performance for students to show the routines and steps they have been working on.

BTB 005: Clogging: From Hillbilly to Hip Hop! (Intermediate)

Instructor: Karena Thacker
Tuesdays and Thursdays 7 – 8 pm

This class will focus on teaching the basic technique of clogging. Students will also be introduced to the history of clogging via mini-lectures, video sessions and a performance by a guest clogging team. The class will end with an informal performance for students to show the routines and steps they have been working on.

BTB 006: The Culture and History of Surfing

Instructors: Mike Milano
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5 – 6:30 pm

The course will highlight where and how surfing originated, what it means physically, mentally and possibly spiritually to surf, and the culture of those who are bitten by the surfing bug.  We will also go over how surfboards are made and possibly give each student the chance to make a scaled down replica of a surfboard.

BTB 007: Steppin’ Out!

Sponsored by the Ballroom Dance Club
Tuesdays and Thursdays 7 – 8:30 pm

Learn the basics of Swing, Cha Cha, Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, Salsa, and more!  Taught by Flight of the Phoenix – Elon’s Ballroom Dance Team, and Club Dance – Elon’s Ballroom Dance Club.

BTB 008: The Ins and Outs of eBay

Instructor: Alan Duvall
Mondays and Wednesdays 5 – 6 pm

It’s official, we are in a recession. Everyone is strapped for cash. What better time to learn how you can turn your old junk lying around into cold cash. This class will give you the basic understanding of how eBay works, the different ways to market your items on eBay, as well as how to start an eBay business.

BTB 009: Scarves, Socks and Sweaters, Oh My!

Instructors: Molly Frank
Mondays and Wednesdays 7 – 9 pm

This class will teach how to knit, purl, and make other common techniques. I’m flexible about the material I will teach so if you have specific questions I am more than happy to accommodate. Based on your skill level, I can find new and more challenging projects for you. Knitting needles and yarn will be provided but you can bring or purchase your own supplies as well. All skill levels are welcome!