2013 Burst the Bubble Programs

Burst the Bubble programs are free, student-led, non-credit sessions where students who have a talent, interest, or skill share their knowledge with their peers. Burst the Bubble programs are offered during Winter Term and are open to all students at Elon University. Burst the Bubble programs do not include homework, tests, outside assignments or grades. There is no faculty or staff involvement in teaching the programs.

BTB 001: Beat, Rhymes, and Life – The Evolution of the Hip-Hop Culture

Instructor: Jonathan Smith and Tyrice Johnson
Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00 – 8:00 pm

This workshop will give people an in-depth look at an American born culture that has become more than just the music.  Through discussion, viewing documentaries, and hearty debate, we plan on explaining the journey of hip-hop from its early days in the Bronx to the worldwide phenomenon it is now.

BTB 002: Keep Calm and Origami On

Instructor: Dominique Preudhomme
Wednesdays 12:00 – 1:00pm

This origami seminar will give you the chance to learn how to do basic or complex origami. We will be folding many different figures, including the traditional crane. Books to use will be provided at each session, so you can either work on your own projects or participate in class-lead projects. You are welcome to bring lunch or snacks during the seminar, and origami paper will be provided to you.

BTB 003: Cars & The Automotive World: Past, Present, and Future

Instructor: Ben Kashdan
Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00 – 6:15 pm

Join in the fun as we discuss the world of cars, trucks, motorcycles, and more! Expect debates like classic cars vs. tuners, imports vs. domestic, as well as emissions, safety, and taxation on vehicles in the USA. We will see episodes of Top Gear (U.K.), discuss the history and future of the car world, and visit production facilities and classic car restoration garages. This is a time to learn about your car and find like-minded people to share your passion for fast things on wheels!

BTB 004: Hooked on Crochet – Introduction to Crocheting

Instructor: Melissa Martlock and Kit Arbuckle
Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:45-6:00pm

During the course of this class, students will learn the fundamentals of crochet, and then apply those basic principles to create projects such as scarves and hats. Students will also learn to read patterns so they can continue to create, with endless possibilities, even after the class has ended. We will be available to students outside of class if they need help, or wish to learn more than class time allows.

BTB 005: Baking 101

Instructor: Edith Veremu
Thursday 5:00 – 6:00pm

Love baked goods but don’t have a clue how to bake? Or do you just not have time during the semester? Then this class is perfect for you! Learn how to make basic treats like cookies, brownies and cakes. We’ll also go the extra mile and make cake balls/pops and teach you how to fill your cupcakes and cakes with delicious filling. All lovers of cupcakes, cakes and everything baked goods are welcome!

BTB 006: How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

Instructors: Thomas Berry
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00-6:00pm

This course will teach students basic survival skills (fire making, compass reading, wilderness first aid, wilderness cooking, shelter building, and orienteering), aid students in creating zombie survival plans for both Elon and their permanent residence, and help students to learn the various types of zombies and their weaknesses.

BTB 007: Blogging for Beginners

Instructors: Blair Menzel
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:45am – 12:45pm

Blogs are quickly becoming one of our world’s primary methods of communicating, interacting, and sharing ideas. Why not jump in and share your thoughts, too? This course will cover creating a blog (whether self-hosted or not) on Blogger or WordPress, tricking it out, installing plug-ins, learning SEO, crafting meaningful posts accompanied by great photos, and how to broadcast posts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.  This course is not for experienced techies and will not cover much (if any) HTML or CSS. This is intended for first-timers and newcomers!

BTB 008: No Speed Limit; The In’s and Out’s of NASCAR

Instructors: Alivia Mattioli
Tuesdays 5:30 – 6:30pm

Guest Speakers, Insider Prospective, Event details and much more offered from No Speed Limit; The In’s & Out’s of NASCAR!  This class provides the history behind the sport, governance from within the industry, and founders that pioneered and shaped NASCAR to be the leading industry that it is presently. Opportunities to be a part of discussions and hear race day stories straight from the professionals that travel week after week following the NASCAR Sprint Cup Circuit.

BTB 009:  Breaking Down Barriers in Public Speaking

Instructors: Logan Dunn
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00 – 6:00pm

If you hate public speaking, & want to start getting over it, this is a great place to begin. If you love public speaking & want to continue increasing your comfort level, you should also check this out. We’re going to do some powerful exercises that will make speaking in front of an audience far less daunting. It doesn’t matter how confident or scared you are, this workshop will help you no matter what your skill level is. I won’t claim to be the best public speaker, but I am a comfortable speaker. I have experienced these exercises & I know they can be a wealth of help. Feel free to email Logan Dunn with any questions about the course!

BTB 010: Argentine Tango

Instructors: Claire Mauro and Andrew Fischer
Mondays 8:00 – 9:00pm

This workshop will teach students the basics of the sultry and sexy dance, the Argentine Tango. You don’t need to have any dance experience or bring a partner. We will start with the most basic steps, but by the end of the workshop you will be all set to go dancing in a tango club in Buenos Aires! (Or very close to Elon!)

BTB 011: How to Be a Feminist at Elon

Instructors: E.F.F.E.C.T
Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30pm

The class will cover how to be an advocate for equal rights through social media and have discussions of feminist issues. There may be a blogging component.

BTB 012: A Peek into the Middle East

Instructors: Arabic Language Organization
Tuesdays 5:00 – 6:30pm

This Burst the Bubble course will enlighten participants of different cultural aspects of the Middle East. There are many stereotypes and negative connotations that revolve around this region of the world. It is important to inform people that these stigmas are not all true and that there is more to the Middle East than the media portrays. The first class will be an introduction to the Middle East and will feature geography of the region and teach participants the basic of the language. Students will learn the Arabic alphabet and basic grammar. The second class will be a discussion on the Middle East. Discussion topics include bridging stereotypes associated with the Middle East as well as current event topics. The third class will be a hands-on cooking seminar where participants can learn about typical cuisine and have the chance to make and eat some Middle Eastern comfort food and everyday favorites.

BTB 013: Bursting the Heteronormative Bubble

Instructors: Lauren Clapp
Wednesdays 12:00 – 1:15pm

What is heteronormativity? How does heteronormativity play a role on Elon’s campus? What do you think are the most pressing LGBTQ issues at Elon, in North Carolina, and in the United States? What does the “Q” in LGBTQ stand for? What makes an ally? Why are so many queers angry with the Human Rights Campaign? Why don’t we learn about historical LGBTQ figures such as Harvey Milk, Sylvia Rivera, and Bayard Rustin? Was the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell really a victory for the LGBTQ community? Bursting the Heteronormative Bubble will attempt to answer these questions and raise many more! Bursting the Heteronormative Bubble will offer a safe space for students to engage in an open dialogue about their experiences being LGBTQ and allies on campus and beyond. We’ll determine the contours of our guided discussions based on interest. No prior experience with LGBTQ issues is necessary, and allies are encouraged to attend!

BTB 014: Sex, Drugs, & Student Health: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Health in College

Instructors: SPARKS Peer Education
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00 – 1:00pm

Learn the answers to all the questions you always wanted to ask!  Come spend some time with SPARKS to learn about student health issues, including sex, stress, alcohol, and physical fitness.  We’ll be bringing in different speakers from all over campus and providing fun and interactive classes on a variety of health topics based on your interest.

BTB 015: Swing Dancing

Instructors: Mary Nease and Caroline Medley
Wednesdays 8:00-9:00pm

Ever wanted to learn how to swing dance, like they do in Grease or A League of Their Own? Now’s your chance! Starting with the basics and then adding all sorts of moves that will make you look really cool on the dance floor, this workshop will teach you the kind of swing dancing that people normally have to pay to learn. No partner is required and we’ll teach you how to lead or follow… or both!

BTB 016: Bring it! The 12 Day Challenge

Instructors: Rex Reynolds
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays 11:45am – 1:15pm

A workshop dedicated to giving students the opportunity to be a part of the P90X workout craze under the guidance of an instructor as well as in the company of their fellow peers. Workouts will be done in group format and will encompass a variety of strength building and fat burning exercises as well as stretching and flexibility.

BTB 017: Bogus War: Exploring the War on Drugs, Obesity, Poverty, and Terror

Instructors: Yes – Young Americans for Liberty at Elon
Tuesdays 11:45am – 1:15pm

Can you declare war on abstract ideas? Politicians have used talking points about poverty, obesity, drugs and terror, but how serious are these threats? How much can the government do to actually solve the problems we face today as a nation, and what are the best ways in doing so? In this class, we will go into detail about four wars on “things” that the government has declared threats to the American way of life, and expose the outcomes, successes and failures of each of these wars. Each week, we will discuss all of the different factors associated with these wars, the steps taken by our nation’s leaders to fix these problems, and the results of their actions, legislations, and executive orders.

BTB 018: Read & Lead: Fail Forward

Instructors: Immanuel Bryant
Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00 – 6:00pm

This workshop will be a reading group and a series of workshops to teach students how to fail, successfully. How can this be done? We will be reading Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell and participating in simulations (using play theory) that will challenge our attitudes towards failure and success. From this workshop students will emerge with a direction in which no matter if they fail they will continue to move forward.

BTB 019: Servant Leadership

Instructors: Sigma Phi Epsilon
Wednesdays 12:00 – 1:15pm

This workshop is intended to teach students about servant leadership, a main principle that Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity was founded on. There is no class currently in the leadership program which specifically teaches the tenants of servant leadership. It is designed to give a basic profile of what servant leadership as a leadership paradigm is, how it was started, what it means for the future, and how it can be implemented in contemporary culture. Information will come through multimedia presentation and the workshop will be based on discussion of concepts introduced.