A healthy body is important to reduce stress. Eat healthfully, sleep at least 8 hours a night, and exercise regularly!

Engage your senses when reducing stress: taste and smell a warm cup of coffee, look at pictures of your friends, or curl up in your comfiest clothes.

Schedule activities that reduce stress. Write them in your planner!

Plan your day out in advance (possibly the night before) so that you aren’t constantly wondering if you are missing something. Then, you can wake up in the morning and tackle your day with confidence.

If you are feeling overworked, take a quick power nap (20 minutes). This nap will help you feel move invigorated and ready to take on the rest of your day.

Exercise can help keep stress in check. Make it fun by attending one of RecWell’s Group X classes like Zumba or Pilates. Go for a nice walk around campus, either alone or with a close friend, to clear your head.

Journaling can help lower stress. If you journal before bed, you may feel calmer and fall asleep quicker.

Listen to music that you enjoy or play and instrument to reduce stress. You can even dance and sing along!

Call a friend or family member to vent and take your mind off of everything you have going on. Even a short 5-minute phone call can turn your mood upside down.

If the stress becomes extremely overwhelming, you can always call counseling services for help. They offer a variety of services that will help you be the best that you can be.

Eat healthfully (get in your fruits and veggies) or drink a warm beverage such as tea or coffee.

Start a puzzle or read a book. You can do these things by yourself or with friends, whatever makes you feel better.

Comfort foods, especially dark chocolate, can help you feel better.

Play with animals or small children! Being around such happy things can lighten your mood significantly.

Take note of the Human Function Curve. Be conscious of where your comfort zone is so that you can prevent yourself from going over the “Hump” and experiencing a “Breakdown.”

Try these quick and easy stress relievers! You can print and color this Mandala or trace through this Finger Labyrinth. What about some simple coloring sheets?

Are you interested in meditation or yoga techniques? Check out these great FREE podcasts!

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