2022-2023 SPARKS Peer Educators

Photo of Leah Short.

Leah Short

Team Leader: Sexual Health Focus Group

Photo of Peter Cromie.

Peter Cromie

Team Leader: Substance Education Group

Photo of Lily Arora.

Lily Arora

Substance Education Focus Group

Photo of Kyle Borgna.

Kyle Borgna

Sexual Health Focus Group

Photo of Pheriby Bryan.

Pheriby Bryan

Mental Fitness Focus Group

Photo of Taylor Capello.

Taylor Capello

Photo of Mackenzie Demania.

Mackenzie Demania

Sexual Health Focus Group (GLC Liaison)

Photo of Wei Fenton.

Wei Fenton

Photo of Liv Fisher.

Liv Fisher

Photo of Ruby Glynn.

Ruby Glynn

Sexual Health Focus Group

Photo of Ethan Haqq.

Ethan Haqq

Mental Fitness Focus Group

Photo of Rebecca Kessler.

Rebecca Kessler

Photo of Lindsey Mathew.

Lindsey Mathew

Sexual Health Focus Group

Photo of Alex Pupo.

Alex Pupo

Substance Education Focus Group