Native American/Indigenous Student Success


CREDE aims to support all students, with a particular focus on Native American/Indigenous students, by offering equitable access to resources, mentorship, and programs that foster academic success and personal growth.

For additional information, please contact or call (336) 278-7243.


CREDE contributes to creating an inclusive campus environment for Native American and Indigenous students to ensure feelings of belonging and equity, where all students are encouraged to engage and respect the diverse identities and experiences of others.

Indigenous Local & Community Organizations

The following are local and community organizations that work to support Native American or Indigenous identities:


CREDE provides educational programs and resources to all students that develop cultural awareness and intercultural competence, resulting in a deeper understanding of students’ own identities and appreciation for the diverse identities of others.

Heritage Months and Recognized Days

Indigenous Identity & Culture in the Classroom

Student Organizations

Additionally, there are student organizations that center their mission around Native American/Indigenous identities at Elon University. For a list of all student organizations, please visit the Student Involvement Website linked below.