Workshops, Seminars & Consulting

The CREDE offers a series of in-depth facilitated workshops for students designed to examine the many different perspectives that exist in our community and to increase communication about difficult issues to interact more effectively.

Anti-Racism Resources

In partnership with the Gender & LGBTQIA Center, we have curated a list of anti-racism resources for the Elon community. These resources provide access to advocacy organizations, local Black-owned businesses, books, conferences, philanthropic initiatives, literature/research, podcasts, movies and much more to help deepen your learning and understanding of anti-racism and race equity.


DEEP is the CREDE’s signature program for social justice. We provide spaces for the Elon community to learn about, reflect on, and apply concepts of social justice with a foundation in racial equity.

Intersect: Diversity & Leadership Conference

Intersect educates students, faculty, and professional staff on topics of diversity and leadership. In previous years, these topics were explored through two independent conferences: the Diversity Leadership Conference and the Leadership Development Institute.