Frequently Asked Questions

    If you have any questions, comments or concerns not addressed below, email El Centro at

    How large is the Latinx/Hispanic population at Elon?

    The Latinx/Hispanic student body accounts for:

    Undergraduate Students: 6.3%

    Graduate Students: 6.2%

    Faculty: 3.1%

    Staff: 3.2%

    What does the Latinx/Hispanic community at Elon look like?

    We have Latinx/Hispanic students from everywhere! Examples include: Bolivia, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, Uruguay, Argentina, Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Brazil.

    How does El Centro help first-year students adjust to college life?

    El Centro provides a space for Latinx/Hispanic students to connect with one another. Those outside of the Latinx/Hispanic community spend time in our space as well; practicing Spanish or learning about our respective cultures.

    Throughout the semester, we hold a number of fun events for students, faculty, staff, and community members. Make sure to follow our instagram to see our upcoming events!

    What kinds of activities does El Centro offer?

    We offer a variety of in-person and online activities, events and programs for our community. From our monthly podcasts to our signature events held during Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 – October 15), we hope to build community with our Latinx/Hispanic population and those interested in learning about our cultures, languages, food, etc.

    What do I need to do to join El Centro?

    All are welcomed. No membership is required to participate in El Centro events.

    Do you work with faculty and staff?

    We collaborate with staff and faculty members on a regular basis, hosting events to showcase what we have to offer our Latinx/Hispanic students.

    I don't speak Spanish or Portuguese, may I still participate?

    Yes, absolutely! All are welcome.

    I prefer to speak Spanish or Portuguese. Is your staff multilingual?

    Our full-time staff and student coordinators (at the very least) can speak Spanish at a conversational level. Our team comprises of people who were born both within and outside of the United States.

    I identify as Latinx/Hispanic, but I don’t speak Spanish well or at all. Will I be welcome?

    Yes, everybody is welcome no matter their native language.

    I am Latinx but I don't look like Latinx, will I be accepted?

    Of course! There is no “look” to being Latinx; all are welcome in our space.

    How can I become a Student Coordinator?

    The CREDE tends to hire Student Coordinators at least once an academic year. Email us at if interested!