Community of Practice

The Center for Design Thinking Community of Practice supports the infusion of Design Thinking pedagogies across Elon curricula and the fostering of inclusive, equitable, and transformational project-based learning under uncertain and shifting conditions.

What is the CoP?

This CoP is aimed at supporting Elon’s mission to ensure graduates are creative, culturally agile, ethically grounded, and well-prepared to address questions of societal importance. Faculty will design and deliver openly accessible resources for faculty, staff, students, and the surrounding community interested in infusing DT practices in their own work.

The Process

  • Monthly: CoP members participate in monthly meetings with facilitators to explore best practices for infusing Design Thinking methods and processes into their curriculums.
  • Adaptable: Facilitators work with each CoP member to ensure individual goals are met while creating a productive and synergetic environment.
  • Collaborative: Participants share ideas, resources, strategies, and tools to co-create, prototype, and test diverse, equitable, and inclusive design pedagogies, and explore a variety of formats and technologies for implementation.
  • Action-Oriented: Over the course of the CoP, each participant frames, explores, generates, prototypes, and cultivates Design Thinking activities, assignments, and/or projects that meet their curricular goals.


Previous Participants