The Elon University community is committed to excellence in the maintenance and presentation of our facilities. The campus, and each of its buildings, is reflective of the high standards and expectations we have of our students. The president often says that a campus well-maintained sends an unspoken message to the families of our students that we will take the same care with their child.

While it takes the entire community’s commitment to accomplish this goal, we rely heavily on the leadership of the Building/Area manager.

Building/Area Manager Responsibilities

  1. Act as the primary contact for the Building/Area which they are assigned so that Elon staff and faculty can inquire of them about items they might have a concern with, such as the appearance and the conditions or services which Facilities Management provides.
  2. Conduct weekly inspections of the building/area to identify items that need immediate attention.
  3. Conduct an end-of-semester inspection of the exterior and interiors of the building to assist with routine maintenance.
  4. Submit Facilities Management work requests for their area to the FIXit request site –
  5. Provide feedback to staff and faculty requesting building/area maintenance as to status of their work requests when asked.
  6. Keep the building/area directories and emergency signage current.

Our Building/Area Managers are critical personnel and make a positive difference on our facilities.  The buildings and grounds are an essential element in attracting the best employees and students, and are the cornerstone for the working environment we seek.

Locate your building manager now