We offer a number of ways to contact us if you need a broken window fixed, Faculty/Staff Key, a broken or leaking pipe repaired, a toilet unclogged, an electrical outlet replaced, light bulb replaced, or have an event that needs moving and setup. We provide service for almost any type of repair or replacement. Alteration or renovation work should be requested through the appropriate dean or vice president’s office and coordinated with Facilities Management.

Online Maintenance, Key & Event Setup Requests

FIXit, our work order system, is the place to submit work requests, inquire about an existing work order, or research information on your completed work orders. This site is available 24/7 for routine, non-emergency work requests. Click on one of the following links for additional instructions on how to submit a FixIt Request, look up a previously submitted request or enter a Key Request  or call the Facilities Management office at (336) 278-5500. Work requests submitted after normal business hours noted above will be accepted early the next business morning.  All Fac/Staff key request should be submitted thru FIXit, student key request need to be submitted thru their area office.

Submit a Maintenance Request through FIXit.

Call the Work Order Desk

Call (336) 278-5500 and provide the pertinent information such as – Location (Bldg/Room No.), Full Name, Contact Phone, concise description of work requested (e.g., replace outlet located next to the bookcase or, replace incandescent lamp over the sink in 2nd floor bathroom, etc.)
If residing in the residence halls, contact the area office unless you have an emergency situation.

After Normal Business Hours

After normal working hours and weekends call Campus Police at (336) 278-5555 and report the discrepancy that needs to be corrected.


Contact Campus Police at (336) 278-5555.

The general “rule of thumb” is to ask the question, “Can it wait until normal working hours and not jeopardize safety or loss of property?” If you can answer this affirmatively, it is not an emergency. Some examples of situations that warrant after-hour response are given below:

  • Electrical – the only light in the room is out, power to one or more rooms is out (not just one receptacle)
  • Plumbing – critical plumbing fixture is stopped up (if not critical put “do not use” sign on the fixture), fixture overflowing (attempt to turn water off), a water leak that cannot be contained with a bucket, radiator heat broken in Story, Sloan, West, Virginia, Carolina, Smith, HBB, McEwen kitchen, and Whitley
  • HVAC – lack of critical cooling or heating, critical kitchen cooling equipment or icemakers
  • Environmental Services – biohazard clean-up, fire extinguisher discharge, glass clean-up
  • Key Shop – office building will not lock, combination breach on room, key stuck in lock
  • Carpenter Shop – outside windows broken in student rooms, major roof leaks, safety critical doors that will not close, panic bar alarm can’t be reset