The Office of Leadership and Professional Development offers a variety of programs and resources to help you succeed in your role and advance in your career.

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities

All staff and faculty are invited to attend professional development programs. The following programs are sponsored/co-sponsored by the Office of Leadership and Professional Development (OLPD).

Campuswide programs

Joining Elon (for new employees)

Joining Elon is an orientation program offered by the Office of Leadership and Professional Development every six months for staff members who have been at the University for less than one year. This program is in addition to the New Hire Orientation program that is offered bimonthly by the office of Human Resources. This program introduces new staff to Elon’s mission and values and provides a foundation for understanding the various components that encompass and support an Elon education. You’ll hear from staff, faculty, and administrators on various topics including our strategic plan,  as well as gain a better understanding of student and academic life and learn about the Staff Advisory Council.

Learn more about Joining Elon

Enhanced Supervision Program (ESP)

The ESP is a series of programs designed to support you and develop your supervisory skills and expertise. The series will offer adaptable trainings for all supervisors of employees, while at the same time enhancing and standardizing supervisory training. All supervisors will attend supervisor training annually and will ensure their staff members are participating in professional development each year.

Explore Elon’s Enhanced Supervision Program (ESP)

Early and Mid-Career Programs

The Boldly Elon strategic plan theme of “Thrive” includes an objective to “support faculty and staff development across career stages and professional ranks with new leadership and learning pathways, and greater access to feedback, coaching and mentoring.” In support of that objective, Elon has established learning tracks to promote professional development of early career and mid-level employees.

Elon Early Career Institute and Mid-Level Professional Institute

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee led and initiated groups that focus on shared interests and experiences. If you don’t find the group for you, suggest your own!

Explore Elon’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Individual Development Facilitation Coaching

Our office has partnered with certified coaches to offer confidential individual facilitation sessions for all employees. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to speak to a certified coach and experienced facilitator to shape your career at Elon and beyond.

Learn more about Individual Development Facilitation

Monthly Programming

Each month, our office advertises a variety of workshops and professional development opportunities. Look for new events on our homepage and via facstaff emails.

Learn more about our monthly programming for all employees

Professional Development Funding

Funds are available for staff who want to pursue their own professional development opportunities.

Learn more about Professional Development Funding

Other Development Opportunities Around Campus

Personal and professional development opportunities are offered throughout campus. Whether you want to improve your health and fitness, sharpen your technology skills, or learn Spanish over lunch, there’s a lot of development opportunities for staff and faculty here at Elon.

Explore development opportunities offered by our University partners