Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee-led groups formed around common interests, and/or a shared bond or background. These groups are a powerful extension of our Office’s programming offerings, providing leadership opportunities for those who wish to participate in, initiate or lead a group and fostering a supportive community where all employees can experience a greater sense of belonging.

Current ERGs

Look for announcements through the Office of Leadership & Professional Development website or through facstaff email for the latest ERG meetings. Otherwise, contact the people listed below for more information on a specific ERG.

Initiating Your Own ERG

If your interests are not represented above and you would like to start your own ERG, please let us know. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Leadership: Each ERG should be co-led by at least two (preferably one staff and one faculty) members.
  • Time commitment: ERGs typically to meet for a minimum of six months, for one hour one time per month.
  • Funding: Approved ERGs will receive $1,000 per fiscal year for supplies and meeting materials (e.g., lunch, books, speakers).

The Office of Leadership & Professional Development will coordinate the first meeting of each group by scheduling meeting space, promoting the initial meeting, and providing a buffet lunch. During that first meeting, attendees typically determine group goals, meeting dates/times, and future internal facilitators of the group. Following the initial meeting, our office will continue to schedule the rooms, plan lunches, and promote your meetings/events. The management of the group, however, will be the responsibility of the ERG members and chairs/co-chairs.

Interesting in starting a new Employee Resource Group? Please contact Shannon Stucker at sstucker@elon.edu.