Campus Visitors

The Elon University campus is private property. Campus common areas are open to the public between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Classrooms, labs, residence halls and faculty/staff offices are closed to the public at all times. Any visitor seeking information about students or employees, or asking for access into private areas of campus, should be directed to Campus Safety & Police at the address below to ensure the university is in compliance with federal privacy laws, including but not limited to FERPA.

Elon Campus Safety and Police
Phone: 336-278-5555
Address: Oaks Commons 416 N. Williamson Avenue Elon, NC 27244

External Law Enforcement

Law enforcement visits to the Elon campus are not uncommon, and the visiting representatives may be affiliated with local police, state police or a federal agency. For example, external law enforcement representatives may visit when attending or presenting in a class, participating or leading a program or workshop, or on official business that is coordinated with Campus Safety & Police.

In all cases, Campus Safety & Police is the designated office for employees to contact when an outside police agency or federal agency visits campus to conduct official business. Chief of Police Joe LeMire and/or a designated liaison will work directly with the agent.

Elon University Campus Police is a 24/7 operation on campus and can be consulted at any time. If any agency arrives with court directed paperwork (warrant or subpoena), Campus Safety & Police will assist in ensuring the paperwork is valid and providing coordination.

Elon Campus Safety and Police
Phone: 336-278-5555
Address: Oaks Commons 416 N. Williamson Avenue Elon, NC 27244

Student and Employee Privacy

Employees are responsible for ensuring compliance with FERPA and HIPAA guidelines and should never share specific personal identifying information of students and employees. Examples of personally identifiable information may include but are not limited to name, contact information, class lists, and student schedules. For this reason, any individual requesting this information should be referred to Campus Safety & Police at the information below to ensure the University is compliant with the law.

Elon Campus Safety and Police
Phone: 336-278-5555
Address: Oaks Commons 416 N. Williamson Avenue Elon, NC 27244