Purchase Requisition System

Elon University requires a purchase request for orders that exceed $2,500. Requests are submitted through our online system and routed to those who need to sign-off on the request before it’s officially placed with the vendor. Please note that for limited subscriptions, membership fees or registration fees, you should submit a check request through Accounting.


Please note: Google Chrome is the preferred browser for the Purchase Requisition System.

Access the Purchase Requisition System

For instructions and/or assistance please Review Purchase Requisition knowledge base articles.

Purchase Request Pending Prior to Aug. 20, 2019

Continue processing or view past approved requests in the previous system.

Review past submitted requests in the previous system.


Approval/Signature Requirements

  • All expenditures that exceed $1,000 require the approval of the appropriate department chair or budget manager.
  • Expenditures exceeding $2,000 require the approval of the appropriate Vice President or designate as determined by the Accounting department’s signature authority guidelines.

Understanding the Purchase Request Process

Submitting a Request

The purchase request process begins with the submission of a request through our online system. In the request, you’ll detail things like vendor information and items being purchased. You’ll also have the chance to send the request to the appropriate people who need to sign-off (e.g., your budget manager or department chair). Once you press submit, the request will travel to the person you’ve specified for approval – or straight to Purchasing if no approval is necessary.

A couple of things to keep in mind:

  • The form will time out 30 minutes from when you open it, so be sure to save your work if you’ll need more time.
  • DO NOT include sales tax on the purchase request.

    Reviewing/Approving a Request

    Once a purchase request has been submitted, the specified approver will receive an email notification. As an approver, you’ll be able to amend budget numbers, approve or deny the request, or return the request to the initiator for changes. If you choose to approve the request, you’ll be prompted to send it to another person if needed, or submit the request directly to Purchasing.

    Approved Requests

    Once everyone has signed off, Purchasing will review the request for the correct budget classification and appropriate digital signatures. They will also determine if a less expensive price can be found, and may inquire further on warranty, delivery, and installation information. Upon approval, the request is entered into Colleague and a purchase order (PO) is emailed to the vendor.

    Sending Receiving Report to Accounting

    Once the PO has been created, you will be sent a Receiving Report copy by email. The Receiving Report should be signed in the top right hand portion and sent to the Accounting office (2900 Campus Box) immediately upon receipt of the item(s) ordered. This is your acknowledgement to Accounting that the item(s) have been received and the invoice can be paid. If you need a copy of the PO for your records, please make a copy of the Receiving Report before sending it to Accounting.

    If you receive a partial shipment, sign the Receiving Report and indicate which items were received and
    which were not. Send the Receiving Report to the Accounting Office. Accounting will in turn send you
    a “backorder” slip. Once you receive the backordered items, sign the “backorder” slip and return
    it to Accounting.

    If you receive the invoice, please send a copy to Accounting. Accounting needs both the signed Receiving Copy of the PO AND the invoice in order to make payment to the vendor.