Funds for replacement are allocated to a school or department to replace an awardee on a per-course or per-semester basis.

Probationary Faculty Reassigned-Time (by Departments, through Deans' Offices)

  • Funding group: Deans – Elon College, Business, Communications, Education, and Health Sciences (Nursing, only)
  • Eligible to apply: Probationary faculty on full-time, permanent contracts.
  • Scope of funding: Each academic department will administer reassigned course time proportional to the number of its full-time probationary faculty. Reassignments will be given for teaching activities that are not counted as part of the course load, for service (contributions to the life of the University), pedagogical development, and for professional activity/scholarship. Examples of these activities are described in the Criteria for Evaluation of Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty. It is expected that reassigned time will be distributed in a manner suited to address the University’s, the college’s/schools’ and the departments’ objectives and to promote balance among teaching, service, and scholarship. To request reassignment, members of the faculty must submit reassigned-time proposal forms to their department chairs in the fall. Department chairs will recommend appropriate requests for approval by the deans. Faculty members should reflect in their Unit I reports the enhanced work supported by the reassigned-time award.
  • Deadlines and decision dates: Number of reassigned-time grants is calculated annually and depends on the number of a  department’s full-time, permanent probationary faculty.
    • Faculty submit reassigned-time request form to department chairs: mid-September
    • Department chairs meet with Dean to review requests: during October
    • Reassigned-time requests approved: November 1
  • Additional Information and application: Contact dean of the appropriate school or college.

Faculty Reassigned-Time (from Deans)

  • Funding group: Deans of communications, business, education, and Elon College
  • Eligible to apply: Faculty on full-time, permanent contracts.
  • Scope of funding: Each dean has a limited number of reassigned times to distribute at his/her discretion within the School or College
  • Deadlines and decision dates: On an ad-hoc basis. There is no formal application process or timeline
  • Additional information and application: Contact dean of the appropriate School or College

Faculty Research & Development Sabbaticals

  • Funding Group: Faculty Research & Development Committee
  • Eligible to apply: Full-time, permanent faculty who meet handbook specifications for rank and years of service (see Professional Development in the Faculty Handbook)
  • Scope of funding: Faculty are encouraged to apply for sabbatical leaves if they are conducting extensive research or engaged in a significant amount of additional study that will result in the recipient’s professional development. Faculty may apply for a full-year/full-pay sabbatical, a leave of one–half of a full year’s teaching load at full salary, or for a leave of a full academic year at half salary.
  • Deadlines and decision dates: Full-year, full-pay sabbatical proposals due before the end of the day on Friday, September 30; all other FR&D sabbatical proposals are due before the end of the day on October 16. Late proposals will not be received or reviewed. Decisions made by the end of the Fall term.
  • Additional information: Professional Development in the Faculty Handbook.
  • Application formClick here

New Faculty Teaching Sabbatical

  • Funding Group: Provost’s Office and Department (through Reassigned-Time Allocations)
  • Eligible to apply: Probationary continuing- and tenure-track faculty who have completed at least their first probationary year but who have not yet reached the year in which they submit their file for continuance or promotion/tenure.
  • Scope of funding: Allows for a faculty member to have one fall or spring semester with no teaching responsibilities (zero course load), allowing her/him to focus on scholarship. Sample annual teaching loads would be 0-1-3 or 3-1-0. The teaching sabbatical is available by combining one departmental reassigned-time with one reassigned-time through the Provost’s Office. Faculty and department chairs should work closely to best meet departmental and faculty development needs.
  • Deadlines and decision dates: Awards are not granted on a competitive basis. However, eligible faculty should submit to their Dean and the Provost’s Office (Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity) a plan for their scholarly activity during the period of the teaching sabbatical. Follow the schedule for deadlines listed under “Faculty Reassigned Time” (By Departments, Through Deans’ Offices) outlined above. A final report of teaching sabbatical research progress is due in the Provost’s Office by October 15 of the year after the teaching sabbatical is taken.

Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning Scholars

  • Funding Group: Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
  • Eligible to apply: Full-time, permanent faculty
  • Scope of funding: Each CATL Scholar is awarded a two-year fellowship. CATL Scholar compensation per year is a two course teaching reassignment (or equivalent compensation for project expenses or summer stipends if course releases are not possible) and a $2,500 faculty development fund to be used to pay for expenses relating to the CATL Scholar’s project.
  • Deadlines and decision dates: Application due mid-September; decision announced by mid-October
  • Additional information: Contact CATL