Organizations Committed to Hazing Prevention


HazingPrevention.Org is a leading national organization dedicated to providing current information related to hazing and hazing prevention to individuals and organizations. provides accurate, up-to-date hazing information for students, parents, and educators and a list of hazing laws by state. It includes alternatives to hazing and informative articles on hazing in various contexts, including high schools, the military, athletic teams, and fraternities and sororities.

Inside Hazing: Understanding Hazardous Hazing

Inside Hazing provides practical information on all aspects of hazing as well as the theoretical perspective of Susan Lipkins, PhD, author of “Preventing Hazing: How Parents, Teachers, and Coaches Can Stop the Violence, Harassment, and Humiliation.”


Additional Resources

Elon University Honor System in the Student Handbook

Florida State University’s hazing website

Cornell University Hazing Prevention website