Finding Financial Stability

Financial well-being is how one’s personal resources impact other aspects of their life. Striving for well-being in this dimension includes understanding the opportunities, limitations and responsibilities one’s finances afford them and planning for their financial future. Strong financial well-being means one has a complete understanding of their financial situation and can adequately prepare for changes. It also means understanding and respecting the financial situations of others and intentionally using the skills learned to ensure financial awareness, literacy and security. ​

A student sitting at a computer while a professor stands in the background pointing the monitor.

A pile of tax papers sitting on a desk with a phone, pencil and yellow note that says "Need help?" sitting on top.

Students working at computers in the Center for Financial Literacy at Elon University, with a digital stock ticker displaying current market prices overhead.

A hand holding a tablet with a calendar pulled up next to a laptop on a desk with a pie graph on the screen.


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