Elon University

Spot’s Gamezone

KidZone Game Logo

Spot Quiz TimeIf you have already read other parts of KidZone, you will do well playing on this part of KidZone. The more you learn, the better you will do! You can simply browse down the page or you can use the quicklinks below to jump immediately to a particular section of GameZone. 




Spot’s Quick Quiz
Comic Book: Spot vs. Iris the Virus
Word Search
Crossword Puzzle
Spot’s Tile Trouble
Spot’s Maze
Superhero Spot’s Scramble
Comic Book: Spot vs. Ken the Pathogen

Spot’s Quick Quiz: Show What You Know!

You can look at this quiz online or click here to download a printable PDF to your desktop.

1. What is GNR?

a. Great nuggets rule
b. Gnats, nits, rats
c. Genetics, Nanotechnology, Robotics
d. Gnarly nutheads rock!

(The answer is c.)

2. Who first transmitted electronic code over wires?

a. Samuel Morse
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. Thomas Edison
d. Thomas Jefferson

(The answer is a.)

3. The roots of today’s internet come from ARPA. What does this stand for?

a. American Racoon Pinchers Association
b. Advanced Research Projects Agency
c. Admitted Retired Pundits Association
d. Always Run Past Aardvarks

(The answer is b.)

4. What does the abbreviation RFID mean?

a. Really Freaky Insect Dessert (look out at lunch today!)
b. Radio Frequency Identification (allows info chips to be read or traced to a particular user)
c. Rays From India Different
d. Random Fleas Invade Dog

(The answer is b.)

5. Who is Ray Kurzweil?

a. Rock and roller from Green Day
b. Leonardo Da Vinci’s lost nephew
c. Author of “The Singularity is Near”
d. Fictional character in Arthur C. Clarke’s books

(The answer is c.)

6. Nanotechnology is soooo small that it could be …

a. painted on or woven into your clothes.
b. the size of a Buick.
c. considered a new state in the U.S.
d. easily seen by the human eye with no magnification.

(The answer is a.)

7. People who study the future are called …

a. crazy cats, baby
b. guessers
c. futurists
d. predictorators

(The answer is c.)

8. What is an emoticon?

a. A new kind of space satellite
b. Type characters used to convey a human facial expression
c. A machine that makes you cry
d. A crying prison inmate

(The answer is b.)

9. When might the Singularity or “Spike” take place?

a. I’m single now, but I’m hoping to find a date soon.
b. Perhaps in the next 50 years or less, but who can tell?
c. As soon as my mom does the laundry this week.
d. Wouldn’t you like to know?

(The answer is b.)

Comic Book: Spot vs. Iris the Virus

You can look at this comic online or click here to download a printable PDF to your desktop.

Enjoy Spot the Nanodog’s mission to fight Iris, the evil virus, and save the world! This comic was drawn by Kacie A., a fifth grader, in 2005.

Spot Comic Strip One

Spot Comic Strip 2

Spot Comic Strip 3

Spot Comic Strip 4

Spot Comic Strip 5

Spot Comic Strip 6

Spot’s Print & Play Pages

You can look at this game online or click here to download a printable PDF to your desktop.

Word Search with Spot

Spot Word Search

Look among the letters above and circle the following 10 words and phrases that are hidden among many other letters. Remember to look backward!


Spot’s Crossword Puzzle

You can look at this puzzle online or click here to download a printable PDF to your desktop.

Spot Empty Crossword Puzzle

1. What field of science builds machines to do work for us?
4. The idea that change from genetics, robotics and nanotechnology may hit fast – also known as “the spike.”5. How might our brains receive information just like our computers in the future?
6. What kind of intelligence do robots use?
7. Nickname for Mars – a future colony.
8. What field of science deals with the way living things are put together at the DNA level?9. What type of dog is Spot?
10. What we call the tools we use – “tech” for short.
11. What book is associated with this site and focuses on the future of the Internet?

1. What do the R and F in RFID stand for?
2. What type of technology makes us think and feel as if a fake world is real?
3. An internet diary or web log.
8. Short for global positioning system.
12. Worldwide computer network.
13. A nano-sized robot.
14. An _________ is a combination of type keys that make a face ;-).
15. When something is “nano”-size it is smaller than one millionth of a _______
16. In text-message shorthand, F2F means ______ ___ ______.

Answer Grid

Spot Crossword Puzzle Answer Sheet

Spot’s Tile Trouble

You can look at this game online or click here to download a printable PDF to your desktop.

Spot Confused Image

Spot the Nanodog wrote a special message on a set of tiles, then Fluffbot the Nanocat came and messed them all up! Can you look at the tiles and rearrange them to put together Spot’s original message?

Spot Tile Scrambled Word Message Outline

Unscramble the tiles to reveal a message.


(Answer: The Spike, a technological advancement, will happen within the next 30 years or so. Big changes will be made in your life. Are you ready?)

Spot’s Maze Through The Future
Spot Winking PhotoLook at this game online or click here to download a printable PDF.

Find the best path for Spot to take to get inside this ring.

Spot Maze Photo

Superhero Spot’s Scramble

You can look at this game online or click here to download a printable PDF.

Spot Happy Photo

Spot has a secret message for you that he doesn’t want Iris the Virus to see. Look at clue letters and work to unscramble each of the clue words.

Spot Word Scramble Half Way Finished Photo


Comic Book II: Spot vs. Ken the Pathogen

Enjoy Spot the Nanodog’s adventure mission to fight Ken, the evil pathogen, and save the world! This comic was drawn by Kacie A., a sixth grader, in 2005.

Spot Second Comic Strip First Page

Spot Second Comic Strip 2

Spot Second Comic Strip Three

Spot Second Comic Strip Four

Spot Second Comic Strip Five

Spot Second Comic Strip Six

Spot Second Comic Strip Seven

Spot Second Comic Strip Eight

Spot Second Comic Strip Nine

Spot Second Comic Strip Ten

Spot Second Comic Strip Eleven

Join Spot the Nanodog in another part of KidZone:

<Jokes & Laughs> <Codebreakers> <Your Future> <GameZone>