Representatives from more than half of the participating organizations predicted that curriculum reform was the prime purpose for educational networking and geared their work toward achieving this goal. Many also predicted the creation of digital libraries accessible through the Internet for teaching and learning would be key and geared their major efforts in this direction. NSNT members also proposed educators could benefit in the future from using networks in the process of project-based learning (organized around problem-solving or themes that provide motivating context) and collaborative learning (in which students and teachers become near equals in the learning process).
Predictor: Hunter, Beverly
Prediction, in context:Beverly Hunter gave a report on the National School Network Testbed (NSNT) at INET ’95, the Internet Society’s 1995 International Networking Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, June 27-30. Hunter was a senior staff scientist at Bolt Beranek & Newman in Cambridge, Mass., and a member of the staff of NSNT. She served on advisory boards of several national education networking projects, and was formerly program manager for applications of advanced technologies at the National Science Foundation. At the time, she had written dozens of books and more than 100 articles on computer and communications technologies in learning and teaching. Hunter reports:”The NSNT was funded by the National Science Foundation, and Phase I of the Testbed was conducted over 18 months in 1992 through 1994. In describing the national educational reform agenda in regard to the use of the Internet. In 1995, 100 organizations and 150 schools were participating in NSNT, working to find ways for education to benefit. Representatives from more than half of the participating organizations predicted that curriculum reform was the prime purpose for educational networking and geared their work toward achieving this goal. Many also predicted the creation of digital libraries accessible through the Internet for teaching and learning would be key and geared their major efforts in this direction. NSNT members also proposed educators could benefit in the future from using networks in the process of project-based learning (organized around problem-solving or themes that provide motivating context) and collaborative learning (in which students and teachers become near equals in the learning process). Some talked about the future of networks in ‘a transition from teacher-centered or content-centered instruction to learner-centered instruction.'”
Date of prediction: June 1, 1995
Topic of prediction: Getting, Sharing Information
Subtopic: E-learning
Name of publication: ISOC INET '95 (conference)
Title, headline, chapter name: Internetworking and Educational Reform: The National School Network Testbed
Quote Type: Paraphrase
Page number or URL of document at time of study:
This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney