A lot of these [communications technology-inspired corporate mergers and alliances] aren’t going to hold; the companies are just scrambling to file papers before the deadline of the upcoming wireless licensing auction.
Predictor: Botein, Michael
Prediction, in context:In a 1994 CNBC (cable television) “Money Wheel” program, during a segment on corporate alliances in the wireless industry, there’s a reference to the point of view of Michael Botein:”Michael Botein of the communications media center at New York Law School says that a lot of these [communications technology-inspired corporate mergers and alliances] aren’t going to hold; the companies are just scrambling to file papers before the deadline of the upcoming wireless licensing auction. Botein says MCI may still form an alliance but could also make an independent foray. Botein feels that the Sprint alliance may be marred by internal corporate-culture clashes.’ He feels that the ‘Baby Bell’ alliance of NYNEX, Bell Atlantic, US West, and the former PAC TEL may be more stable and has the best chance of pulling it off.”
Biography:Michael Botein was founding director of the Communications Media Center at New York University Law School. His expertise in international telecommunications law, the regulation of cable television and new technologies made him a valuable consultant to the FCC and the Administrative Conference of the United States. He wrote “International Telecommunications in the United States” (1987) and “Cases and Materials on Regulation of the Electronic Mass Media” (2002). (Legislator/Politician/Lawyer.)
Date of prediction: October 25, 1994
Topic of prediction: Information Infrastructure
Subtopic: Role of Govt./Industry
Name of publication: Money Wheel, CNBC
Title, headline, chapter name: Wireless Communication Alliances
Quote Type: Paraphrase
Page number or URL of document at time of study:
This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Bradshaw, Lindsay