Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

With the advent of digital cash, anyone can set up their own stories-serving station – hundreds upon thousands of little self-sufficient magazines, supported by communities of folks who care to share … Reporters will then leave major media, set up their own content-serving stations … We’ll all forget about money, sit around and make art, and tell each other stories, while computers handle all the problems of the world. Why not?

Predictor: Hall, Justin Allyn

Prediction, in context:

In a 1995 speech he gave at a Rand Corporation-sponsored conference titled News Industries & Journalism: Preparing for 2010; New Directions for News, Justin Hall makes the following statement: ”With the advent of digital cash, anyone can set up their own stories-serving station – hundreds upon thousands of little self-sufficient magazines, supported by communities of folks who care to share. If you can tell your stories, and make money, and have decent health care, why would you ever write for a large media organization? Reporters will then leave major media, set up their own content-serving stations. People will be charging miniscule amounts of money to read each other’s stories, and after a while we’ll realize – hey, I like writing, I like telling stories. That you would listen to me is flattery. I like your stories too, so let’s trade. So we’ll all forget about money, sit around and make art, and tell each other stories, while computers handle all the problems of the world. Why not?”


Justin Hall worked briefly at Wired in 1994, during a sabbatical from his college days at Swarthmore. He started his own irreverent e-zine, covering diverse topics and providing links all over the Web. He later worked for ZDTV and Games.com and as a freelance journalist. (Advocate/Voice of the People.)

Date of prediction: June 13, 1995

Topic of prediction: Economic structures

Subtopic: General

Name of publication: News Industries & Journalism: Preparing for 2010; New Directions for News

Title, headline, chapter name: Publishing Empowerment: Decentralizing Media for Human Potential

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Goodrich, Barbara J.