As part of its 25th Anniversary Celebration in Los Angeles September 18 and 19, 2017, the Internet Society gathered together 25 young global Internet leaders under the age of 25. These young people were honored by ISOC for using the Internet as a force for good. They shared their greatest hopes and fears for the future of the Internet in brief interviews with the Imagining the Internet Center. The overall invited group totaled 28 people including honorable mentions; 25 were on site for the ISOC events.
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The 25 Under 25 plus three additional honorees include:
Adam Galloway of the United Kingdom, honored for his work protecting online freedom of expression.
Akah Harvey N of Cameroon, honored for work detecting and predicting road accidents.
Akshay Makar of India, honored for creating sustainable livelihoods via online crafts.
Alec Foster of the United States, honored for strengthening student movements by humanizing digital activism.
Ash Ball of Australia, honored for work with an anti-cyberbulling movement.
Asha Abbas of Tanzania, honored for work providing health education for adolescents.
Augusto Mathurin of Argentina, honored for creating virtual spaces for collaborative participation.
Biddemu Bazil Mwotta of Uganda, honored for connecting local farmers with buyers.
Bidyabati Meher of Uganda, honored for digitizing a cultural tradition for sustained livelihood.
Cintia Padia of Honduras, honored for teaching computer skills to local youth.
Diego Cordova of Guatemala, honored for enabling access to educational materials.
Farah Abdi of Somalia, honored for giving voice to refugees and to LGBT issues.
James Beaumont of the United Kingdom, honored for building online communities of support.
Jazmin Fallas Kerr of Costa Rica, honored for lifting families out of poverty.
Juma Baldeh of Gambia, honored for improving gender balance among web users.
Kate Ekanem of Nigeria, honored for empowering girls through education and literacy.
Kate Green of the United Kingdom, honored for protecting the data of online health communities.
Linda Patiño of Colombia, honored for advancing human rights through ICT’s.
Mariano Gomez of Mexico, honored for connecting an isolated community.
Mary Helda Akongo of Uganda, honored for using technology to empower women.
Naitik Mehta of India, honored for connecting people with disabilities to employment opportunities.
Nilay Kulkarni of India, honored for helping make large gatherings safer.
Paula Corte Real of Brazil, honored for promoting safe and responsible Internet use among youth.
Poornima Meegammana of Sri Lanka, honored for preventing cyberharassment of teenage girls.
Valentinos Tzekas of Greece, honored for using AI to identify fake news.
Makkiya Jaweed of Pakistan, honorable mention for raising awareness of ehealth solutions
Parker Woods of the United States, honorable mention for delivering Internet connectivity in the Arctic
Radwa Hamed Soliman of Egypt, honorable mention for providing sustainable employment opportunities for refugees
– Multimedia reports from the Internet Society’s 25th Anniversary activities were conducted for the Imagining the Internet Center by undergraduate researchers Diego Pineda Davila, Melissa Douglas, Maya Eaglin, Alex Hager, Meg Malone, Alexandra Roat, Jared Mayerson and Erik Webb of Elon University’s School of Communications, under the supervision of Elon faculty Janna Anderson and David Bockino