Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

Digital signatures allow you to build an enormous number of facilities, like real copyright facilities for authors. If you want to read an author’s document, you’ll have to buy an electronic “key” to unlock it first. Maybe the key will only cost a nickel, but that means if you publish something electronically, you could make a living if you sell a million copies. There are just all kinds of new distribution channels that will open up with digital signatures, like the ability to send digital cash.

Predictor: Lynch, Daniel C.

Prediction, in context:

In an interview for Telecommunications magazine, Martha Strizich talks with InterOp and NetWorld founder Daniel Lynch about the future of networking. Strizich asks, “What do you think are some of the hottest internetworking technologies today?” Lynch responds: ”To start with, digital signatures. Digital signatures allow you to build an enormous number of facilities, like real copyright facilities for authors. If you want to read an author’s document, you’ll have to buy an electronic ‘key’ to unlock it first. Maybe the key will only cost a nickel, but that means if you publish something electronically, you could make a living if you sell a million copies. There are just all kinds of new distribution channels that will open up with digital signatures, like the ability to send digital cash. I think the new technologies they’re working on to do wireless digital data technologies are hot too. And OC12. I love super-high-speed, so I like OC12, which runs at 622 Mbps.”


Daniel C. Lynch was the founder of CyberCash Inc. (Entrepreneur/Business Leader.)

Date of prediction: January 1, 1994

Topic of prediction: Controversial Issues

Subtopic: Copyright/Intellectual Property/Plagiarism

Name of publication: Telecommunications

Title, headline, chapter name: An Interview with Interop Founder Dan Lynch

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:
Page 73 ISSN: 02784831

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: McAlister, Rory