Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

Successful online communications inevitably lead to more face-to-face interaction. I’m a lot more interested in the personal information and personal communications of the Net than all the hoo-hah about commerce and entertainment.

Predictor: Michalski, Jerry

Prediction, in context:

In a 1995 article for The Seattle Times, Paul Andrews interviews consultant Jerry Michalski, editor of Release 1.0. Andrews writes: ”‘Successful online communications inevitably lead to more face-to-face interaction,’ said Jerry Michalski, editor of the Release 1.0 information-technology newsletter. ‘I’m a lot more interested in the personal information and personal communications of the Net than all the hoo-hah about commerce and entertainment.”


Jerry Michalski took over the job of managing editor of Release 1.0 from Esther Dyson. (Futurist/Consultant.)

Date of prediction: May 1, 1995

Topic of prediction: Community/Culture

Subtopic: Relationships

Name of publication: Seattle Times

Title, headline, chapter name: Cyberseattle – We’re an Electronic Boomtown; Internet Becomes Local, Relevant – Businesses, News Media, Even Car Showrooms populate Internet’s World-Wide Web

Quote Type: Partial quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Pagano, Shawna