Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

There could be one billion individual users by the year 2000 on the network. Twenty years from now we’ll be saying how could we get excited about that?

Predictor: Naisbitt, John

Prediction, in context:

In a 1995 article for the New Straits Times, Alina Ranee quotes “Megatrends” author John Naisbitt. She writes: ”‘There could be one billion individual users by the year 2000 on the network,’ says Naisbitt, adding that the system as it stands now ‘is just beginning and very primative. Twenty years from now we’ll be saying how could we get excited about that? [the Internet as it worked in 1995]'”


John Naisbitt, a futurist, was co-author of the best-selling book “Megatrends 2000: Ten New Directions for the 1990s” (Morrow, 1991). (Futurist/Consultant.)

Date of prediction: December 24, 1995

Topic of prediction: Information Infrastructure

Subtopic: Number of Users

Name of publication: New Straits Times

Title, headline, chapter name: Naisbitt: Growing Influence of Asia

Quote Type: Paraphrase

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Allen, Crystal N.