Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

The Internet and online services have lured hundreds of companies eager to set up shop. But some experts say it could take a decade or two for full-blown electronic commerce to migrate to the desktop computers of mainstream America … Electronic commerce “is still a twinkle in the eyes of the retail, financial services and technology companies. It’s not here yet.”

Predictor: Caruso, Denise

Prediction, in context:

In a 1995 article about the PC Forum for The Wall Street Journal, Jared Sandberg quotes Denise Caruso. Sandberg writes: ”The Internet and online services have lured hundreds of companies eager to set up shop. But some experts say it could take a decade or two for full-blown electronic commerce to migrate to the desktop computers of mainstream America. Most users aren’t online at all; much of the technology isn’t yet up to snuff and the specter of government regulation looms. The highest hurdle, however, seems to be consumers themselves. Unnerved by computer bugs and fearless hackers, they don’t yet trust the notion of ordering products and paying their bills online, and they haven’t found software easy enough to make the new practice painless. Electronic commerce ‘is still a twinkle in the eyes of the retail, financial services and technology companies. It’s not here yet,’ said Denise Caruso, president of publisher Technology and New Media and one of more than 500 insiders at PC Forum, the annual schmooze-fest of the computer cognoscenti.”


Denise Caruso’s column,”Digital Commerce,” appeared in the New York Times in the 1990s. She also ran Spotlight and was the executive producer of Agenda, a conference held annually for interactive media industry executives. (Author/Editor/Journalist.)

Date of prediction: January 1, 1995

Topic of prediction: Economic structures

Subtopic: E-commerce

Name of publication: Wall Street Journal

Title, headline, chapter name: ‘Digerati’ Say Online Marketplace Won’t Maul Any Malls for a While

Quote Type: Partial quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Garrison, Betty