This fantasy aspect has been discussed heavily. Putting on the Eyephones and realizing you’re surrounded by a sea of screaming women, and you look down and you have a guitar in your hands. It’s the classic fantasy of a teen-ager, to be a rock star. The ability to do that isn’t too far off, and if you were careful and tricky you could probably do that right now.
Predictor: Aukstakalnis, Steve
Prediction, in context:In a 1990 article for The Washington Times, Glenn Emery interviews virtual reality consultant and researcher Steve Aukstakalnis about fantasies in cyberspace. Emery writes:”The 1980s may well be remembered as the decade in which mankind first entered cyberspace. The 1990s may well be remembered as the decade cyberspace was colonized … Naturally, the ability to create one’s own ‘place’ in cyberspace leads to speculation about fantasies running rampant. So pervasive is the idea of sexual escapades in VR [Virtual Reality] that there’s even a name for it – teledilconics. But it will be quite some time before the technology has advanced enough to provide the requisite tactile sensations. ‘This fantasy aspect has been discussed heavily. Putting on the Eyephones and realizing you’re surrounded by a sea of screaming women, and you look down and you have a guitar in your hands. It’s the classic fantasy of a teen-ager, to be a rock star,’ Mr. Aukstakalnis says. ‘The ability to do that isn’t too far off, and if you were careful and tricky you could probably do that right now.'”
Date of prediction: December 1, 1990
Topic of prediction: Getting, Sharing Information
Subtopic: Virtual Reality
Name of publication: Washington Times
Title, headline, chapter name: Cyberspace: Graphics in 3-D Create a Universe
Quote Type: Direct quote
Page number or URL of document at time of study:
This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Garrison, Betty