Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

I still believe that online personal finance is going to become one of the biggest services on the Net. We are just having to start from scratch.

Predictor: Gates, Bill

Prediction, in context:

In a 1995 article for Red Herring magazine, Alex S. Vieux interviews Microsoft CEO Bill Gates in Madrid, Spain, at the European Technology Roundtable Exposition. Gates talks about Microsoft’s failed bid to acquire leading financial software maker Intuit: ”We were, of course, very excited about the prospect of working with Scott Cook, Bill Campbell, and all the people at Intuit, to help people think of banking in a new way, to help them manage their money, pay their bills electronically, and deal with all the complexities that those types of transactions entail. But we were not able to put the two companies together, and so we have been left to pursue the vision on our own. We are now hiring people as fast as we can, we’ve come out with Money 4.0 [Microsoft Money for Windows 95], and we are working with a lot of banks and Visa and Mastercard. I still believe that online personal finance is going to become one of the biggest services on the Net. We are just having to start from scratch.”


Bill Gates, the most influential technology entrepreneur of the late 20th century, was the primary author of the prediction-packed 1995 book “The Road Ahead” and is the founder and CEO of Microsoft Corporation. (Entrepreneur/Business Leader.)

Date of prediction: October 1, 1995

Topic of prediction: Economic structures

Subtopic: E-commerce

Name of publication: Red Herring

Title, headline, chapter name: The Once and Future Kings

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney