Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

Will the Internet revolutionize planetary culture, transform global politics, rearrange the balance of world power? I looked for evidence, but I didn’t find much. Sure, there are changes along the margin, some interesting changes, but as much as they might deserve it, I just don’t see old institutions tumbling down any time soon.

Predictor: Moore, Dinty W.

Prediction, in context:

In the 1995 book “The Emperor’s New Clothes: The Naked Truth About the Internet Culture,” author Dinty Moore writes: ”Will the Internet revolutionize planetary culture, transform global politics, rearrange the balance of world power? I looked for evidence, but I didn’t find much. Sure, there are changes along the margin, some interesting changes, but as much as they might deserve it, I just don’t see old institutions tumbling down any time soon. If I were a dissident in Faroffawoola and had a computer, a modem, and total Net access, I would be thankful, and I would be very, very careful. My ability to communicate through an electronic network would help my cause, perhaps, but my problems would not be solved.”

Date of prediction: January 1, 1995

Topic of prediction: Global Relationships/Politics

Subtopic: Democracy

Name of publication: The Emperor's Virtual Clothes: The Naked Truth about Internet Culture

Title, headline, chapter name: Big Brother and the Bad Boys: The Dark Side of the Net.

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:
Pages 185-6

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney