Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

John Sculley, one of the network’s foremost proponents, is even calling on Clinton to set a goal for its construction the way President Kennedy called for putting a man on the moon. Such a network could cost at least $200 billion to build. “We need this infrastructure to bring us into the 21st century … It’s 1993. We have to start building it today.”

Predictor: Sculley, John

Prediction, in context:

In a 1993 article for USA Today, Kevin Maney offers up information about the development of the Internet, interviewing Apple Computer CEO John Sculley. Maney writes: ”President Clinton and Vice President Gore have been pushing hard for what they call the ‘information superhighway,’ a high-tech, fiber-optic network that carries massive amounts of digital information. The network would get $54 million in seed money in 1994 in Clinton’s proposed budget; $150 million in 1995. It is a hot topic at just about every computer and telephone industry conference this year. Apple Computer CEO John Sculley, one of the network’s foremost proponents, is even calling on Clinton to set a goal for its construction the way President Kennedy called for putting a man on the moon. Such a network could cost at least $200 billion to build. It would mean students at rural schools could use computers to tap resources at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington. It would let a small business in New Mexico use the power of a supercomputer in Minnesota. It would let doctors in far-flung cities colloborate on a patient’s care by immediately sharing medical history, X-rays and videos from arthroscopic surgery on multimedia computer screens. ‘We need this infrastructure to bring us into the 21st century,’ says Sculley, who sat next to Hillary Rodham Clinton during the president’s address to Congress Wednesday. ‘It’s 1993. We have to start building it today.'”

Date of prediction: February 1, 1993

Topic of prediction: Information Infrastructure

Subtopic: General

Name of publication: USA Today

Title, headline, chapter name: A New Superhighway: Fiber Optics to Break Open the Data Bank

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:
Money, Page B1

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney