Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

Now, when IRC, phone sex, CB radio, TV talk shows, and talk radio coalesce into an array of 24-hour pick-a-peer channels you can patch into anywhere with your wireless headset, and the dividing line between virtual reality and real life becomes mostly academic; and, on top of that, when the whole hassle over sampling, copying, digitizing, licensing, and assuring intellectual property rights gets ironed out in some grand ASCAP-like registry scheme where consumers subscribe to licensing banks that grant them their own usage rights over all media with that bank’s logo-stamp (Bill Gates is already heading in this direction)…. Where, then, does that leave us?

Predictor: Kinney, Jay

Prediction, in context:

For a 1995 article for Wired magazine, Jay Kinney, publisher and editor of Gnosis: A Journal of the Western Inner Traditions, writes: ”Now, when IRC, phone sex, CB radio, TV talk shows, and talk radio coalesce into an array of 24-hour pick-a-peer channels you can patch into anywhere with your wireless headset, and the dividing line between virtual reality and real life becomes mostly academic; and, on top of that, when the whole hassle over sampling, copying, digitizing, licensing, and assuring intellectual property rights gets ironed out in some grand ASCAP-like registry scheme where consumers subscribe to licensing banks that grant them their own usage rights over all media with that bank’s logo-stamp (Bill Gates is already heading in this direction)…. Where, then, does that leave us?”

Date of prediction: January 1, 1995

Topic of prediction: Economic structures

Subtopic: General

Name of publication: Wired

Title, headline, chapter name: ‘Anarcho-Emergentist-Republicans’: Is There a New Politics Emerging in the Net/Cyberspace/Digital Culture?

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney