I’m a future hacker; I’m trying to get root access to the future. I want to raid its system of thought. Grrr. Machines disappoint me. I just can’t love any of these wares, hard or soft. I’m nostalgic for the future. We need ultrahigh res! Give us bandwidth or kill us! Let’s see the ultraviolet polka-dot flowers that hummingbirds see, and smell ’em like the bees do. And crank up the sensorium all across the board.
Predictor: Milhon, Judy
Prediction, in context:In a 1995 article for Wired magazine, Rosie Cross interviews Judy Milhon, known by her online name St. Jude, describing her as a hacker who “has been messing with code since 1967″; a member of a lefto-revolutionist programming commune in Berkeley, California, that created the first public online computer system, the Community Memory project; and a charter member of the cypherpunks – a term she coined. Here is an excerpt from the interview:”Wired: If you had a word to describe what you do when using this electronic medium, what would it be?” ”St. Jude: I’m a future hacker; I’m trying to get root access to the future. I want to raid its system of thought. Grrr.” ”Wired: If you could design a machine, what would it feel, look, and act like? How much grunt would you give it, and would you let it wear your black leather jacket?” ”St. Jude: Machines disappoint me. I just can’t love any of these wares, hard or soft. I’m nostalgic for the future. We need ultrahigh res! Give us bandwidth or kill us! Let’s see the ultraviolet polka-dot flowers that hummingbirds see, and smell ’em like the bees do. And crank up the sensorium all across the board.”
Date of prediction: January 1, 1994
Topic of prediction: General, Overarching Remarks
Subtopic: General
Name of publication: Wired
Title, headline, chapter name: Modem Grrrl: Future Hacker St. Jude Has Some Advice for Women Who See Technology as a Problem: Get Modems
Quote Type: Direct quote
Page number or URL of document at time of study:
This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney