Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

The outcome of this struggle may determine the amount of freedom our society will grant us in the 21st century. To the Cypherpunks, freedom is an issue worth some risk. “Arise,” urges one of their numbers, “You have nothing to lose but your barbed-wire fences.”

Predictor: Levy, Steven

Prediction, in context:

In a 1993 article for Wired magazine, Steven Levy writes about encryption issues: ”In short, there is a war going on between those who would liberate crypto and those who would suppress it. The seemingly innocuous bunch strewn around this conference room represents the vanguard of the pro-crypto forces. Though the battleground seems remote, the stakes are not: The outcome of this struggle may determine the amount of freedom our society will grant us in the 21st century. To the Cypherpunks, freedom is an issue worth some risk. ‘Arise,’ urges one of their numbers, ‘You have nothing to lose but your barbed-wire fences.'”


Steven Levy was a 1990s technology journalist. He wrote on the topic for decades for such publications as Newsweek and Wired. He is the author of the books “Hackers,” “Artificial Life” and “Crypto.” (Author/Editor/Journalist.)

Date of prediction: May 1, 1993

Topic of prediction: Communication

Subtopic: Security/Encryption

Name of publication: Wired

Title, headline, chapter name: Crypto Rebels

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney