Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

When we make it really interactive, shopping in the home will dwarf revenues from entertainment.

Predictor: Trujillo, Sol

Prediction, in context:

The 1995 book “The Information Revolution,” edited by Donald Altschiller, carries a reprint of the April, 1994, Fortune Magazine article “Will the Information Superhighway be the Death of Retailing” by Stratford Sherman. Sherman examines the mixed effects of the online revolution on the retail industry. The article includes an interview with Sol Trujillo, CEO of US West Marketing Resources. Sherman quotes Trujillo, writing: ”‘When we make it really interactive, shopping in the home will dwarf revenues from entertainment,’ predicts Sol Trujillo, CEO of U S West Marketing Resources, a subsidiary of the Bell operating company, which says it will invest $12.5 billion on its part of the information superhighway.”

Date of prediction: January 1, 1994

Topic of prediction: Economic structures

Subtopic: Shopping

Name of publication: The Information Revolution (book)

Title, headline, chapter name: Will the Information Superhighway be the Death of Retailing?

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:
Page 75

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Guarino, Jennifer Anne