The Palace’s Joey Altman envisions an explosion of chefs on-line two or three years from now. They’ll offer real-time cooking shows or a selection of video demonstrations that may be downloaded for a fee. You’ll see the familiar slew of celebrity chefs … “The special hook is the interactivity … it’s going to enhance that feeling of wanting to go to that restaurant. It’s going to be like living out a fantasy, as sick as that sounds.”
Predictor: Altman, Joey
Prediction, in context:In a 1995 article in the San Francisco Examiner, reporter Zillah Bahar writes about pursuing culinary interests on the Internet. She interviews food professional Joey Altman, writing:”The Palace’s Joey Altman envisions an explosion of chefs on-line two or three years from now. They’ll offer real-time cooking shows or a selection of video demonstrations that may be downloaded for a fee. You’ll see the familiar slew of celebrity chefs. But because the Internet is so much more accessible than television, the big names will have to compete in a wider field for your attention with lesser-known colleagues. Those chefs who avail themselves of the interactive aspects will be the most successful. ‘The special hook is the interactivity,’ notes Altman, who is in the midst of developing a multi-page Web site for The Palace. Giving patrons the opportunity ‘to get in touch personally through e-mail, it’s going to enhance that feeling of wanting to go to that restaurant. It’s going to be like living out a fantasy, as sick as that sounds.'”
Date of prediction: January 1, 1995
Topic of prediction: Getting, Sharing Information
Subtopic: General
Name of publication: San Francisco Examiner
Title, headline, chapter name: The Future of Food in Cyberspace
Quote Type: Partial quote
Page number or URL of document at time of study:
Epicure Page Z-6
This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney