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Name: Dan Geechie
From: Maryland
Bio: Internet user
Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator
Topic: Technology
Headline: Convenience of the WEB
Nutshell: The networked future should be a colorful blend of cultures, knowledge that enlightens ones paths, and a guide to better global relations.
Vision:In my vision I see the Internet growing beyond devices, regional boundaries, and being a modular tool of convenience. Its modular web-like design will co-exist like an entity of thoughts, knowledge, and purpose. Existing to bring mankind closure in its quest for better global understanding with its neighbors. If I could use the method of the appliance calling a technician when it needs servicing. I think this is a bad idea. Instead of having the appliance call for help it will (in my future design) will be able to repair themselves using parts and tools that don’t exist today. Everything will be like that of a modular web-like design that can easily be recycled such as that of an appliance thereby eliminating the need of a repairman.
Date Submitted: November 10, 2004
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