Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: jeremy

From: Massachusetts

Bio: King of the Internet! IF IT'S THERE, I FIND IT.......

Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant

Topic: Technology

Headline: Whoa!

Nutshell: Being able to do anything, from anywhere, anytime.....


I think that the interent will become more of a way of life for those other then the early adopters who are using it now…..by that I mean, soon grandma will be placing online orders from her fridge directly to an online grocer without know how she did it…..weight- based sensors and RFID food labels, will make all of this possible….as soon as the milk runs out or is due to expire, more is on the way…same with the OJ, if it feels lighter, mr. fridge can refill himself by generating a list that prints out once a week for your approval…..go internet! link me to my email all the time, show me where my stocks are, send me headlines, coupons and all the other goodies!

Date Submitted: November 10, 2004

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